so i got pissed today. i was at work when that coat went off, yeah? someone fucking outbid me in the last seconds with under a dollar over wot i bid. FUCK YOU, FUCKER. FUCK YOU D:< i try to calm myself down with the knowledge that i might be able to bid on a bowler hat and a top hat but it isnt the same ;___; but the top hat is pretty win. its collapsible, you know. quite gorgeous, too. looks nearly new but its from 1900 and yeah. keeping my eye on them e_e im sure ill be outbid. i always fucking am. i want the bowler hat rly badly cos i love bowlers and i dont think i could pull off a top hat, but i can see myself pulling off a bowler. mom didnt want me to bid and finally caved, telling me i could bid just the price but dad let me bid more, lol. srsly its my money i should be allowed to do wot i want. and its not like its fuckin stickers or something (which my sister buys, lol) but historical items. if im not gonna wear them i could at least be like see, look at this. the bowler hat is win. it has picadilly circus stamped on the label. picadilly ftwwww. that has to be one of the funnest words to say ever.
and yeah. work went by slow cos i was waiting for eBay news and then it dragged more cos i was pissed. and right after i got the bad news (my sister texted me) these people came in. s was eating and he was fountain, and there hadnt been any shakes that whole night. wot do these people order? three shakes. and food that i have to make (like hot dogs and salads and wotnot) so i was infuriated. i had to fight hard to control my temper, man. it would have been bad to explode on them >_> and i was all I NEED HELP D:< these people just ordered three shakes D:< and s was like are you kidding? youre kidding, right? and i said no. see, i meant for him to help me get the ice cream but he ended up doing all of them. thank god. i might have killed someone in the rage-ful state i was in.
then we were cleaning up and s comes in giggling and i was like ? and he was like i just used the girls bathroom. me: oook then o_O him: no, you dont understand. someone annihilated the guys bathroom. he talks like that constantly and i have a devil of a time understanding him. i ASSUMED he meant like pissed on the seat or something, and he was giggling all lol youre gonna have to clean up and i was all huh UH and cook told me that i was right, the boss does (and i assume that would be the wife cleaning)
so i have to lock up, which includes the bathrooms. i go out there and awww maaan. someone shit like ON the toilet. like on the back and the seat and everything. i mean, it might not sound funny to you but the stupidity and absurdity made my anger dissolve. i come back in, carry the trash into the kitchen and s is like: did you see it? me: /breaks down laughing/ and so me and s are loling hard in the back, grabbing at the table and a (who hasnt worked in awhile) comes back and shes like ??? and s tells her the boys bathroom is messed up and shes all EW wots wrong with it? him: someone SHIT EVERYWHERE and that just makes the both of us laugh more and shes just like eeeww :/ and then she leaves and he gets a grip and is like i was wondering if youd look and i was like well i *do* have to lock them (and the lock is on the inside of the door, yanno?) and i was also curious so...
then we realised that boss would clean it, which would mean the wife. that made us happy cos she always breathes down our neck about stupid stuff (example: he was going to clean out this cup that had diced turkey in it and there were 4 liddle cubes of turkey left and she yelled at him and got ANOTHER cup to put those four tiny pieces in. i mean, theyre the size of my pinky nail) and THEN we realised that the restaurant isnt open sunday NOR monday (for memorial day) so they wont clean it until tuesday and the bathrooms are outside cos it used to be a gas station. so itll have sat for days...with the hot and s promptly cracked up more XDDD were mean, man.
lulz: my sister had one of her guy friends over, a musician. le sigh. yes, shes one of THOSE teens. anyhoo, she wanted to get my old guitar out (the one i failed at cos no one ever got me a book or anything) and so they went into my room. not only did he love my cat but he also looked around my room (apparently) and was like "your sister's posters are way cooler than yours" and she got pissed XD win.
and XD: my parents were upstairs and id just got online when mom kept calling me and i was all wot? and she was all YOUR ROBERT DUVALL IS IN THIS MOVIE, I THINK. i was all D:< ill be the judge of that and it was XD<3 you cant miss him. he was a scientist too. mmm sexy labcoat >:D i rly wont say much cos i dont want to frighten people away from me but yeah. im amused that there are three things that are mine to people: MY sherlock holmes, MY harpo marx and now MY robert duvall. i love it <3
and then here i am. gonna talk about holmes. YES I HAVE TO D:<
----i watched the red headed league srsly, wtf was the casting call for that? CALLING ALL GINGERS IN BRITAIN?! there were hundreds of em. but anyhoo lol. i love the part where holmes leaps over the back of the couch to stop watson. i heard that was just improv. improv ftw ;__;
----holmes says something in latin to the client. watson: "everything becomes commonplace by explanation" /holmes whirls, hands on his hips/ watson that is a VERY loose translation D:<
----theres something about his laugh thats delightful. idk wot it is but it always makes me smile. also, he was wearing the fucking pinstripes and dark jacket again kalsdjkljgj. i die a liddle when i see pinstripes. just so dandy and ksfjjkg.
----i had a major h4x when they showed the villain. i dont know if anyone who reads this has watched blackadder, but the villain was darling XD<3 i was like kldsjgjkjkl DAAAARRRRLLLIIIIIIIIING /grabby hands/ at the screen. XD i was very pleased. when they capture darling (lol that wasnt his name but thats wot im gonna call him) he told them to call him sir and say please as he had noble blood. copper: all right. would you please sir mind marchin upstairs where well get a cab to transport your 'ighness to the police station? darling: ....thats better. gentlemen /bows to holmes & watson/
----holmes asks darling directions just to get a good look at him (before the arrest, obviously) so that he can be sure hes the man and then watson and holmes duck around a corner, pressed against it cos holmes thinks theyre being spied on. watson: wot is it and WHY did you beat the pageman with your stick? /holmes shushes him/ XDDDD BAD holmes, BAD. he said he did it as "cover" XDDD god.
this has to be one of the best bits from the series, man: XDDD i cracked up too, god. poor watson. at least he tried!
AND OH SHI- PICSPAM! well, actually not that much. but still lulz. i think this was from the resident patient (i watched 1 1/2 episodes yesterday, lol. so i cant be completely certain):
a bit blurry as i had me zoom on on accident and was like fuck it lol. that and my camera sucks naturally. anyway, SEE THE HAND? lol. and there was no need-it wasnt like it was slippery or something; they just walked out with holmes's hand in watson's arm. LOL about that: in that episode or a different one i saw a man leading a woman in the exact same manner XD
observing the carriage that has arrived while they were gone. again, notice the hand. im sorry, im friends with people but i dont ever walk like that. thats just very affectionate, you know? and yes, i ship holmes and watson hxc but i mean really, that is just an affectionate way of walking with someone. thats how couples walk and i dare someone to say otherwise (ok, dont i dont want to argue with anyone ;__; XDDD<3)
i just like how theyre like /stares/ and then holmes is all good night :D<3
i always love when holmes wakes watson in general. especially in the episodes where he kind of lingers there when he doesnt have to >:D
lol, the holmes-y place i go on was just talking about this scene the other day, actually.
thats not from sherlock holmes but i was like fuuuuc- MUTTONCHOPS?! and then i noticed how fucking rad his jacket was and then his outfit and the muttonchops and the wavy hair and it made me implode. srsly, if he had had a handlebar moustache i would have exploded XD victorian styles need to come back into fashion RIGHT BLOODY NAOW.