(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 18:54

A quick update before this long survey Im sure no one will read..lol.

I was told today I couldnt get George W. Bush tickets for tomorrow. I accepted it and then cried to myself for 20 mins. Well...about a half hour later Kay Lewis (congressman Ron Lewis' wife) called and said she could give us 1 ticket!!! Isnt that awesome! So heidi, sam, and I are seeing Dubya tomorrow:) I AM SOOO HAPPY!

Oh and I am certain I just failed my history exam...:( BUT HEY SB is next week and tomorrow is DUBYA!!!

Now the survey...

A is for age: 19
B is for booze: Wild Turkey 101 or Jim Beam
C is for career: Currently Taco bell and Actress...future Actress and model :)
D is for dad's name: Biological father Alex Heim My dad, Eddie Stewart
E is for essential items to bring to a party: camera, tylenol, movies, comfy clothes...yeah
F is for favorite song at the moment: I like Keane song thats on the radio and jets new song
G is for girlfriend: girls are beautiful, but no gf
H is for hometown: Leitchfield
I is for instruments you play: Piano and vocalist
J is for jam/jelly you like: grape or orange marmalade
K is for kids: none right now...please..lol
L is for living arrangements: Louisville at Phase 2
M is for mom's name: Vicki
N is for name of your best friend: Tonya, my sister, or my brother
O is for overnight hospital stays: hmm none?
P is for pills (medication): umm none?
Q is for quote you like: " Be the change you want to see in the world" I think thats how it goes and its Ghandi
R is for right handed or left handed: right
S is for special times: too many to name
T is for time you woke up: 9 30 AM
U is for unique trait: I can do accents, umm I talk about poop alot..lol and my laugh
V is for venting: YOU BITCH! lol I dont know
W is for worst trait: I can be annoying...and I get really jealous
Y is for yummy food you make: pasta or lasagna
Z is for zodiac sign: gemini and dont I fit it!

FIRSTS .....
First job: McDonalds...gag
First screen name: angelwing27? I dont know
First funeral: My grandmothers
First pet: Angel the cat? I think
First piercing: ears
First tattoo: cherries
First credit card: damned old navy card...fuckers
First kiss: 7th grade
First enemy: Lauren Holeman lol
First favorite musician: Alanis Morrisette...? Maybe

LASTS .....
Last car ride: earlier today to etown
Last movie watched: Alice in Wonderland
Last beverage drank: Water
Last food consumed: A Cheese puff
Last phone call: Mom
Last time showered: Today after swimming
Last CD played: Pantera i think
Last website visited: Hotmail.com

NOW ......
Sex: girl
Birthday: June 18 85
Siblings: bro and sister
Hair color: naturally auburn red, now..black red and blonde
Eye color: hazel
Shoe size: 9-10
Height: 5'7"

Wearing: Jeans, George W. Bush shirt, and jean jacket
Drinking: nothing
Thinking: my ass cheek is itching
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