Mar 07, 2005 12:30
Well...its Monday again. I just got in from swimming. Two hours of water fitness even in Beg. Swimming. I feel it in my abs...which is good. Tonight I run...for 10 mins...hopefully. Like apparently there is this big thing going on about the tomatoes TACO bell gets from Sweatshops in Gautamala. Well...anyways I work at taco bell so there is no way I can boycott Taco bell..i mean its where my money comes from. So, I was walking back from class today and a girl on campus stopped me and invited me to these debates/rallies going on on campus today and friday. Im going tonight. Its over the war in Iraq. I know I probably wont agree with whats said, but its good to get perspective from both sides of the argument over the war. I might come back up friday...I dont know.
President Bush is going to be in L Ville this week promoting his social security plan. My sister and I are going to try to find a way to go and see him...I *heart* George W. I just want to hug him:)
Hmm...well. I saw "Home" last night on was amazing.
JCC wants me for the fall to do Arsnic and Old Lace...I love that play/movie! I is excited.
ONCE AGAIN ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DONATE 25 or more $$ to THE HISTORY OF THE DEVIL will get their name in the program and will be helping support the Arts....let me know if interested!!!