(no subject)

Jun 01, 2006 00:13

[Mood |
Hungry ]

Le nother survey for yous pleasure
This one is kool XDDD

How am I feeling today?
I Am
Hitomi-------- Hmmmmm

Will I get far in life?
The Pink Panter Theme----- O___o

How do my friends see me?
Procession of the Spirits
Spirited Away------------- Really now :D

Where will I get married?
A dream is a wish your heart makes
Emile Pandolfi------ Awwww how cute XDDD

What is my best friend's theme song?
InuYasha Closing Theme
My Wil----- OMG!! It soooo is XDDDDDD

What is the story of my life?
Ride a Shooting Star!!!!
Pillows-------- Holy shit!!! :DDDDDDD

What was high school like?
Final Fantasy 7 Suffering planet OC REMIX-------- Whoa o__o

How can I get ahead in life?
Kingdom Hearts 2-------- XD

What is the best thing about me?
Farm Boy
Shiro Hamaguchi------ I guess that means im normal or something o_o

What was today like?
FF7 Robovoice OC REMIX------- Yep that sounds about right X3

What is in store for this weekend?
Yu Yu Hakusho------ well.....thats gonna suck o__________O

What song describes my parents?
Track 4
Final Fantasy 7 ---------- Hmmmm

How is my life going?
FF7 Turks in Pursuit OC REMIX--------- Hahahahaha

What song will they play at my funeral?
FF7 Jenova Theme
Piano Theme--------- Hahaha kool XDDD

How does the world see me?
Aeriths Theme
Piano virsion FF7-------- What do they find me unimportant >:\

Will I have a happy life?
Fox Demon Shippou
InuYasha--------- Probably a normal life ahead X3

What do my friends really think of me?
Ready Steady GO!!
FullMetal Alchemist------- XDDDD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Do people secretly lust after me?
Utada Hikaru-------- Heehee :3

How can I make myself happy?
Allucaneet Palace
Brave Fencer Musashi------Koo kooo

What should I do with my life?
When you wish apon a star
Pinociooooo------- Really now O__O

What will my children be like?
Hamtaro Ending------- Oh great >.> They're gonna be nuts...

What will you name them?
InuYasha----------- OH! H33333LLLLLLL NO!!!!!

What will the person you marry be like?
The Legand Of Zelda
Memories of Saria OC REMIX--------- Awesome!!! Im gonna have the best husband!! XDDD

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Cids Theme
Final Fantasy 7------- Cid <333333

Will you have a fulfilling life?
All The Way
Shimokawa Mikuni--------Sw33333333333t!!!
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