Feb 20, 2005 21:36
Had a fab time seeing ptlis this weekend <3, but long journey back...
I have to learn my stupid presentation for tomorrow, but I really can not be arsed.
It's cold and snowy white outside, the latter being good if its not slippy tomorrow...
This course is not what I expected...what does management and learning presentations have to do with marine _biology_....its BIOLOGY damn it... not marine management... meh. Only a year and a half to go..
Need to do something new with hair....style a good option, but what *bored*
On the plus side I got my exam results:
Fisheries and Aquaculture 52% (2:2)
Marine Fouling and Larval 55% (2:2)
Biological Oceanography 26% (Fail) <--do not understand oceanography
Physiology 60% (2:1 (just)) ^_^
Okay. Thats it..