Creation Mythology

Jun 03, 2009 01:36

I have always been fascinated by the creation myths of our world. So many different stories, some painfully sad, some happy. And yet, all of them teach us of the redemptive power of hope that comes from the very earth from which we are formed. That hope, that redemption that is offered up to nothingness to create our world exist within our souls. And I'm not one for the hokey stuff, but I really believe in the soul; not only as an immortal reminder of the decisions which we make, but also as a deep and constant connection to whatever it is we came from.

In an episode of True Blood, Sookie questions Bill about how it is that vampires can even exist. "Magic," he replies, most to her derision. "You think," he replies to her, "that it's not magic that keeps you alive? Just 'cause you understand the mechanics of how something works, doesn't make it any less of a miracle...which is just another word for magic. We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magic's just a little different from yours, that's all."

No matter how we feel, it is miraculous that we even exist. We are that magical, 0.000000000000000000000000000001 percent chance species that crawled out of the mud and became something greater than the animals around us. And we are. None of this "we are the same as the dogs and the birds" speech. We don't need to be equal to nature to respect its right to exist. Humanity has been given a gift, an ability to rationalize and feel and act and create unlike any other species in the history of our world as we know it. And yet, we are still bound to the earth, feel a deep and abiding affection and connection to the being that created us.

Well, at least most of us do.

But then, not everyone can love their mother. But everyone sure as hell better respect their mom.

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