I have been sick today. I slept til 6pm and then been working on the computer ever since. I started work on a new pet project of mine. A new Online Vampire and Otherkin Community forum. It's called The Realm of Light and Shadows. It looks damn good so far. Have links to other OVC forums and they are planning on linking my forum soon as well. *grins* It is slowly taking off and I am proud of it. For those who wish to see it, you can find it
Here .
In other news, I was a BAD little hellcat. I was once again flirting with a taken man. Well, this one is into polyamoury, so it is not as bad as the thing with Kasha. *chuckles* Plus, I have no intention on it going father than online flirting. He lives in Alabama and I am in Georgia, so it alot safer than it would have been if he was here in Georgia. *chuckles*
Also been helping a friend of mine with HER forum as well. *LOL* She made me Mod of the adult forums. *cracks up laughing* I wonder why I always get made mod of the adult forums on message boards I go to alot? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....