Jul 13, 2010 23:18
most recent finds
mica by mew
doomsday by MF Doom
asterisk by orange range (fuck you I like jpop ok)
Habit by curve
weekend by curve
the bulk of what I listen to is shoegaze, thanks to a freind, the generally soft voices and the flood of simple sounds
tends to feel almost narcotic,it's a lot of droning without being necessarily annoying,if that makes any sense
best bands I can think of for that genre would be Curve and Mew, though they by far not the biggest names in it
others would include
evil nine
the violettes
my bloody valentine
curve has to be one of my all time favorite bands, I think there are VERY few albums or songs I don't find glorious
I could listen to them any time
Mew is growing on me, and I would highly suggest checking out the album Frengers
the lead singers voice is soft and fragile, kind of child like, and it serves to add sincerity to the already emotional instrumentals
other musicians that I feel really deserve some serious fucking attention would have to be Natalie Imbruglia,and Carina Round
Natalie was popular for hr first album, with songs like Torn, but her second album, white lilies island kind of went under the radar
Sunlight is probobly the best fucking thing ever, and is one of those songs that can seriously pull me the fuck ou of a funk anytime
Carina round is amazing, her voice tends to go against the typical female singer types,isounding shrill and upset at it's highs and husky, seductive and angry at it's lows, and somehow,she still mamages to sound efeminate somewhere inbetween
she has two albums out that I know of, the dissconnection, and Slow motion addict, both are amazing