Aug 13, 2009 19:30
Boy, I've seen some ugly situations at the bank in my four plus years there but this was the worst.
It all started when this old guy came into the bank, my coworker Cecilia who is originally from Hong Kong and was working as a customer service rep today went over to him and asked if he needed help. The man then said he did not want her to help him because he couldn't understand her, she has a bit of the Chinese Accent in her and it can cause some issues sometimes. The way he said it to her was rude and disrespectful, leading to her getting upset and having to step out for a minute. But that's not the ugly part...
The ugly part starts when he came over to me to ask about opening a safe deposit box, I was able to help him get the keys for the box but I don't have the authority to open a account so I sent him to another CSR, Mary Beth. By this time Cecilia had come back to her desk and Mary Beth, who doesn't really open Safe Deposit Boxes asked Cecilia for help on doing it, unknowing what had happened a few minutes before. Cecilia becomes very upset and says she doesn't want to help him because of what he had said to her. It should also be noted that while he was with Mary Beth he made racist comments about Asian people and something about Afghanistan that I guess was racist as well.
As Mary Beth was talking to me about the account, the man decided to get up any walk over to Cecilia and demand her business card to show people so they would not associate with her, he also said that she ignored him when he came in which was a total lie and said she was ignoring another customer when in fact she was talking to yet another customer. At this point my bosses raced over to put an end to this as he was harassing poor Cecilia and we called security to tell him to stop and get out of the bank and that we are closing his accounts and don't want him here. Cheers for that.
People think they can just treat us like crap when they want to at that bank but I'm glad management was on our side and sent that racist old asshole out to never darken out doorstep again.