Apathy and procrastination are my newest addictions

Sep 15, 2011 17:41

Yeesh. Nearly two months since I've posted anything. What a fun time that's been!

I signed up for ae_match, with oodles of enthusiasm and ideas for fic. I wrote the first chapter of an Inception/Harry Potter crossover (Eames is a Malfoy squib, dontcha know!), building on art by the amazing pearljamz, and then... came down with a month long bout of bronchitis that ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

kazzy_cee September 16 2011, 06:44:02 UTC
Sorry you've been so crappy! Hope you are over the worst now.


anonymous September 18 2011, 11:04:20 UTC
Sorry you've been sick, I hope that you're better.

Also, I would love to read your Mafia!Arthur story.


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