The Gradual Coming Out of John Sheppard, 2/5, John/Rodney, G

Jun 09, 2008 23:37

Author: darkhavens
Title: The Gradual Coming Out of John Sheppard, #2 - At the Beach
Fandom: Pairing: Stargate Atlantis: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Rating: G
Words: 100
Concrit: Please. If you spot a typo, please feel free to tell me in comments.
Notes: Written for stagesoflove, prompt set #4 - Five public places ( park, beach, movie theater, pool, carnival ( Read more... )

sga:m/s:coming out

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Comments 19

The Gradual Coming Out of John Sheppard, #2 - At the Beach iadorespike June 9 2008, 22:55:01 UTC
I have sussed out your dastardly plan. You're going to kill me with *Awwwwwwww*.

So. Cute. :D

Thanks, sweetie. *hugs*


Re: The Gradual Coming Out of John Sheppard, #2 - At the Beach darkhavens June 9 2008, 22:56:56 UTC
Gadzooks and confound it, you've figured me out! *g*

Thank you. :D


tabaqui June 10 2008, 02:15:03 UTC
I luff.

*um. uh. we call them 'beach umbrellas' or just 'umbrellas'. parasols are dainty little girly things that southern belles carry*

*uses j/r icon again*

And oh, wait. Icebox? Um? Do you mean...cooler? Iceboxes generally had *ice* in them, on the back porch. Or, later, were plugged into the wall and it's where you kept milk and such. Coolers go camping or to the beach and you put ice and sandwiches and beer in 'em. Um.
*Pet pet pet*


darkhavens June 10 2008, 02:21:18 UTC
Thank you x2! :D

Coolers and beach umbrellas ftw. *smooches*


tabaqui June 10 2008, 02:34:31 UTC
I just felt kinda bad piling all that on you in one big....pile.


darkhavens June 10 2008, 02:40:31 UTC
I appreciate it, truly I do. So... wanna look at the other three on yim and see if there's anything else that needs changing? *flutters eyelashes*


lyonza June 10 2008, 05:07:44 UTC
suicidal surf freak *snorfle*

S'pretty, just the thing to make my day start out great, thanks


darkhavens June 10 2008, 05:10:06 UTC
Thank you!

I hope your day doesn't get any worse than this. *g*


vinniebatman June 11 2008, 19:35:25 UTC
There is only one word to express my feelings on this:


This was so sweet and heartwarming and wonderful.



darkhavens June 16 2008, 23:39:44 UTC
Thank you! AWWWWWWWW!!! was pretty much what I was feeling when I wrote it. *g*


kitty_poker1 June 22 2008, 19:27:06 UTC
Now my heart is all warm and squishy. So's my brain, but you knew that. ;)



darkhavens June 24 2008, 20:45:52 UTC
Heeeee! ^^^pets your squishy brain^^^

Thank you!


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