Right back atcha honey! Happy Hols! I'll save the last of the chocolate chip cookies for you, and I think there is still some cocoa and cider left... Hmmm... *Pauses to rummage...*
Thank you, darlin'. Hey, I'm living in cider country! And yet here I am, supping on whisky with banana liqueur. Life is odd.
*hugs you tight*
And now I think it's time for my Supernatural watchathon. What better to watch on Christmas eve/Christmas morning than ghosties and ghulies and long-leggity beasties? :D
Comments 11
PS... Love the icon!LOL~!
As a permanent journal owner I now have 10GB of LJ disc space to fill up, so I'm going to be stocking up on ani-gifs for every occasion. :D
I mad ethe icon lst year along with a few others in a somewhat similar vein. (Like this one!)
Have a good day!
Right back atcha honey! Happy Hols! I'll save the last of the chocolate chip cookies for you, and I think there is still some cocoa and cider left... Hmmm... *Pauses to rummage...*
Thank you, darlin'. Hey, I'm living in cider country! And yet here I am, supping on whisky with banana liqueur. Life is odd.
*hugs you tight*
And now I think it's time for my Supernatural watchathon. What better to watch on Christmas eve/Christmas morning than ghosties and ghulies and long-leggity beasties? :D
Be happy!
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Also? *BigSquishyHug*
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