im tired... but here's an update.

Sep 17, 2004 23:03

my graudation party was saturday, good turn out.. i met cousins i never knew i had.. everyone seemed to have their own area in my back yard, i had the deck, where me, aubrey, alana, zybala, adam bo's, lesley, bianzano, and squeeks chilled... krizzy showed up a little later for a few minutes, ryan stopped by too.. hmm.. i cant really remember that much from my party, all i know is i got alot of money and blew it all at guitar center two days later haha...

hmmm.. the last week has been complete hell. i mean i know i asked for it, but goddamn... i've been such a working stiff it isnt even funny... i have damn near 50 hours in this week, thats about twenty more than usual.. i dont really care though because im gettin paid. woo.. but yeah, wednesday i worked 10 hours, came home, Aub was waiting for me, i changed and danny came and picked us up, then we got talis, and we all went up to xtreme wheelz for the norma jean/throwdown/evergreen terrace show.. we got there.. seen the guys from now in stores, jesus, alana, andrew stevens, krizzy, hollie, derrick, neo, amanda, and later on zybala showed up.. but yeah, the show was fucking amazing. i was dead tired and didnt feel like dancing or moshing, but somehow it ended up happening, and i ended up getting pretty fucked up, i got a finger in the eye i think, idk, something hit my eye, my eye watered up, and i thought tears were rolling down my face, i went to wipe them away and it was blood... comming from my fucking eye! i was like jesus christ dude!.. i dunno.. all i have to say is it was one of the best shows ive gone to in a while.. heh. it was intense... anyways, i got home, went to bed, woke up, worked 9 1/2 hours, came home, and ended up being so exhausted i could barely move... but i ended up getting dragged outa my house by my friend mike o from work and his brother carl..

long story short - carl is an idiot,[22 year old, extremely immature] tried to set me on fire with a bottle of axe and a lighter... then almost killed us at a gas station, we were pulled up to a pump, and he was smoking a cigarette and was about to flick it, his brother mike told him to put it out in his hand cuz we were at a gas station, so he does... not even 30 seconds later, he gets outa the ca, lights his lighter and starts spraying axe all over the place, flames everywhere... he could've killed everyone in a 5 block radis! wtf... so we scream at him, get him back into the car... and i said "you like to play with fire huh?" and he goes "yeah im a little pyro!" so i steal the bottle of axe from him, spray him in the face, spray my hand, set my hand on fire and bitch smacked the shit out of him, while my hand was on fire, which in turn caused his face to catch fire..

TODAY: i worked six hours, then went over aub's... her and her dad finally broke me in with amy's place, which i really enjoyed, very much. it was really different and i really liked the atmosphere there.. also say this place nexzt door to amy's i never noticed before, a guitar shop.. gotta check it out sometime. after that we went back to aubs and her, me, and her parents watch rosemary's baby, which i didnt get to finish watching because i had to catch the last bus at 10:05... but yeah.. i fell to sleep on aub for like 15 minutes, i couldnt help it i was just so tired.. but throughout the nite i just kept staring into her eyes. i didnt see aub for one day, but to me it felt like weeks, even months.. i love her so much. i love this feeling..

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