Aug 05, 2003 09:48
Yeah so I called Theos house last night *feels brave* and Theos mother answered the phone. I asked her if Theo was there and she said no. But of course I could even hear him talking in the backround. I tried to call his cell phone but it was off. He didnt know it was me who called because if he did we would have called me back. Theos mother really hates me right now. But she has no reason too. She thinks its my fault that Theos car broke down in Maine and that I made him drive all the way up there. And its my fault he decided not to bring the car back home. What the fuck!! I found out that Theos father went to my brothers work and yelled at my brother about it too. MY BROTHER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!! AHHHHH!!!! Then they started fighting with my mother too while I was gone in Maine about it too. But now Im home from maine and I thought it would get better. But no..its 100times worse. It got to a point where I went to Zorbas with Dimitri and Theo the other night before Seekonk Speedway and I was hiding in the fan because I didnt want her to see me. I really wish they would at least talk to me or something. But no thats not gonna happen for awhile. But come on now..dont tell me that Theo is not there when I call when Im going to be able to hear him in the backround. *sigh* Im sick of this shit.
Im going to hopefully get in touch with Theo today. I really need to talk to him right now. Im really scared that this whole thing is going to get the point where Theo is going to come up to me and say "I cant take it anymore. We have to break up"..I really dont think it will happen because I know Theo loves me enough where he wouldnt let that happen. But still...I wish his cell phone was on right now. And theres no chance Im calling his house.
But on the good side..I get my new cell phone tomorrow. Its a nextel *cheers* I get unlimited text messaging *cheers again* and no roaming or long distance charges. And I get the walky talky part too so Ill be able to annoy all my friends with that. hehe. I cant wait to get my new phone. When I get it Ill tell my friends the new number.
But I must get ready for work now. Im out.