so where to begin..

May 10, 2009 18:08

Got robbed this past weekend while I was in PA. It was great to hear about, after dealing with Scranton for the whole week, it was nice to hear that someone came in through the window while Trevor was at work and stole our flat screen, ps2 and Wii. I guess they could've stolen something more valuable to me. We still have the bigger TV that Pete gave us at least. I was thinking of finally getting a ps3 now... I'm more upset about the wii though. I was starting to show good progress on the wii fit. I really needed it too, after a whole week of eating out every night.

On a positive note, the dirty bastard thieves closed the windows and doors, so Zod didn't get out.

Worst thing is, we're pretty sure we know who did it, and they're our fucking neighbors. The people upstairs got robbed (two laptops) a couple weeks ago, and the next door upstairs neighbors feel it was the people below them who did it as well. These are the assholes that have parties every weekend on the goddamn sidewalk, role doobies in front of their neighbors' kids and have obnoxious shouting matches in our backyard.

Other than that I had a nice weekend in PA.

jacuzzi XD

Very pretty. I didn't really expect accommodations like that. Certainly not for two free nights. We need to take more weekend trips like that...
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