Sep 30, 2006 23:00
So anyway, today was good stuff. ;)
Ebeth is a goddess for getting me to look around on YouTube. I found the intro to Reading Rainbow, probably my favorite childhood show *ever.* I found random other fun things too; mostly other bits and pieces of "retro" shows (since when are the 90's already retro?) but that was my trophy. I also finally took the time to just erase everything on my mp3 player and put some new songs on it. (hence that last post) (currently on "Crazy Bitch" I still don't know why I love the song but I do) It sounds like a small thing but it's something I've been meaning to do for *me* for a couple weeks now. Also I have a subscription to Rhapsody and I really like to download enough that the monthly fee (about $15) makes sense. It's not hard and doesn't take long to download enough that I feel like I come out ahead, it's just about remembering to do it. It's saved me money too, not to sound like a commercial - but I get to sample as much music as I feel like for the price of a cd...makes it easier to decide which ones are actually worth buying. Plus it's curbed my habit of buying a cd for one song.
I spent most of the day with Mom and Noelle. We did some cleaning in preparation for the wedding/family staying here, but mostly we just had fun girly time. Noelle and I traded a bunch of clothes, talked about shoes for the wedding, we all ate brownies...that sort of thing. ;) Tomorrow Mom and I decided we're probably going to go shopping for my birthday since I won't have time next weekend. Noelle is probably coming with so it'll be another uber girly day. *grins*
And I definitely get at least one new toy... See, I'm due to reup my contract with Tmobile so I get a $100 discount on a new phone. Well, I'm happy with my Razr and should be for some time. But now Mom is thinking about getting a Razr. So we're going to use my discount to get one of the black Razrs for me, she'll pay half of the remaining cost, and she'll take my silver Razr which is as good as new anyway. It's kind of neat how it'll work out. There's no way I'd pay full price just to get a black Razr, but with as little as I'll be paying I'll get the prettier phone. *laughs* Other than that, I am sincerely contemplating picking up another season of ST:TNG because...I'm a geek. ;)
And I've decided that I'm done trying to be overly nice as far as work. I've talked to Ron a couple times now over a couple weeks...when I go back into work I am going to change my availability to 32 hours. Whatever happens afterwards is fine; I really don't care if I keep my position or if they transfer me. But I've spent a couple weeks waiting patiently for an answer so now they can pretty much just deal with it. I'm such a wimp about being "mean" to my boss, but I really need to get over that anyway. (to a point) If Ron really needs me to stay in Toys, he'll find a way to make my new schedule work, dammit.
Next week I'm also going to talk to my bank. The company who gave me the car loan Mom and I co-signed on (which is paid off now) offered me a credit card with a lower APR than I currently have with my bank's credit card (both are Visas). It can't hurt to play the "I'd really like to stay with you, but I've been given a better offer. What can you do about that?" game just to see what happens. I have so far always paid my credit card in full every month, even when it hurts; but a lower APR is always a happy thing just in case. Even if it doesn't do much, it's pretty cool to me that I'm getting the credit card offers based on good credit now. (as opposed to the ones based on no credit) Thank goodness I've worked on building good credit, though. It may not be easy but by the time I need to buy a house at least I know I'll be ok. (And on another note, Mom was happy that she got to cancel the Discover card since I've paid off the bill now.)
I was going to write more, but my back's still a little sore from last night ;) and I don't feel like relocating the computer.