May 30, 2007 11:52
So Denise and I are home at the apartment today. I'll let her share the mishaps that led to her random day off, and just share mine.
I got a call last night that the sub job I had scheduled three weeks ago was cancelled. Great, guess I have to actually look through the jobs available and pick the one that will be least painful. But no, they say...can you please be on call? Apparently they have found themselves at about 7 am each morning with at least 3 unfilled absences and want to reserve me for one of those. They guarenteed I would work so I said ok.
I got up at 6, showered and got dressed. No call. I decided to call and jobs, we'll call as soon as something comes up. It was almost 9 and I was thinking I would not work rings. A schools part time music teacher didnt show up. can I go in? I like the school so its a pretty eager yes. I throw together a lunch, brush my teeth, take the dog out and head off.
As I am signing in at the schoo their phone rings. Its the teacher Im subbing for, and she is on her way in. It seems she thought it was a B day, which means she went to the wrong school. The secretary says she can probably find something for me to do, but the sub service wont let me...they instead want me to go teach Head Start...which is esentially a day care for those who cannot afford day care. While this is wonderful for them and their children, it is pretty tough on the teachers and impossible for subs. I would essentially be babysitting a dozen 3 year olds.
I politely say no thank you(because I can do that!) and head home. I've been hanging around with Denise ever since. We'll probably go run some errands soon.
My dog may have ringworm. In fact...she'd better have ringworm, since the test is about 50$, the vet visit was another 50$ and meds to treat just in case(the test results take about a week since they are watching to see if a fungus grows in the test tube) were almost 100$.
Denise and I went for call backs last night. A community theater we've both worked with is doing Cinderella. We got a call almost as soon as we got back to our apartment afterward. You'll all have to try to come and see us! It's the weekend of July 24th I think. I will be playing one of the ugly stepsisters, Portia. Yes, a non cute role! I get to be a bitch! Denise will tell you all who she's playing.
I've rambled on long enough...