Aug 21, 2002 02:42
Whew..... it's been an interesting past few weeks for this old bird. Ok where ta start, Urmm, had a rather slow time of it lately just busy mundane things. Then after Schiv came back from his lil trip we had yet another fight (can't really remember what it was over but I'm sure it was all MY fault) after that my mood dipped downward spiral but I tried not to let it show. Though my mood improved over time so I'm just about back to my self. on da job front work was mostly boring till monday when I went out for S.O.R.T. and guess what? I MADE IT!! so now I'm part of the Special Operations Responcel Team. so basically I'm on swat for prisons.. in other more personal news .... am looking forward to seeing some very close friends as soon as I get enuff time off ta do so, till then, Derek, Josh, Joe, you guys have my love. Just hope I get ta see ya soon, I really miss each one of you. Well not much more past that,