Hunted [Chapter 21]

May 27, 2015 17:47

“Okay… but you should probably change back, so you don’t scare other people…” Oh, almost forgot about that…
“And uh… don’t you want to change first, you know, after…” And then I notice a stickiness in my shorts and it’s my time to turn red.

As I walk into the bathroom, I make sure to lock the door. Jesus, that dream was… well, definitely awesome, but also a bit scary. Dae’s ability is really something. I hear a knock on the door, followed by Dae’s slightly muted voice.

“Hyung, there are some clothes on the cupboard next to the sink!” I turn around and the first thing I see is a rather dark coloured heap of clothing.

“Yeah, I can see them.” Is my answer. I pick up the, what appears to be black trousers, a bright blue t-shirt and a black vest.
“Where did you get these?”

“I went shopping since none of us had some spare clothes…” I put them on, surprised that they did fit me perfectly, size as well as style. I splash a bit of water on my face and go outside. Dae’s leaning on the bed and looks up at me.

“Wow, you look nice!” he praises.

“I have to say that you’re quite good at guessing the size and putting together a nice outfit!” I confirm.

“Yeah, that’s because I know you, hyung.” He smiles.
“So, ready to eat?”

“Yeah, I’m starving!”


Dinner turns out to be just the same food we’d get when we stayed in bed, but it’s nice to be out of my room for once. Daesung’s chewing on some kimchi and seems to be tired. Yeah, he didn’t actually sleep, did he… Which reminds me…

“I’m quite impressed by your speed, to be honest… your bathroom visit was very quick!” I begin. Dae looks up at me with a questioning look on his face.

“… I’m not following you…”

“Well, you know I woke up after a few seconds… So your visit to the bathroom was rather quick…” As soon as the words left my mouth, Dae’s look was one of disbelieve.

“Hyung, you didn’t wake up after a couple of seconds, you woke up half an hour later…” Oh… wait really? It seemed to me like it was just a few moments between the end of our ‘dream’ and me waking up… although this makes more sense.
“Besides…” Dae continued. “I’m not that fast and I needed to… clean myself up as well…” It’s after Dae starting to blush that I realise what he’s talking about. My face must show because Dae’s blush makes place for annoyance.
“Seriously hyung?… No, I only had like a few seconds in real time while you had like 15 minutes, but I did quite enjoy that… and that’s an understatement.”

“Wait a minute, are you telling me that it only took you a few seconds to…” But I don’t get the chance to complete my sentence as Daesung suddenly gets up from his chair, lean over our table and put a hand on my mouth.

“Hyung, this isn’t the place to talk about that!” He whispers fiercely. Face as red as a tomato once again. I nod and he releases my mouth.
“But yes, okay? Yes!” he sits down again and it takes some moments before he starts talking again.
“Besides, you only needed a few seconds as well…”

“That’s… No, it felt like 15 minutes, so that’s different!” I try to defend myself and I can see a small smile on Dae’s lips.

“Whatever you say, hyung…” And he gets up again, picking up his plate and reaches out to pick up mine. But somehow I want to pick up my own plate, as some sort of defiance. He smiles again, probably because I’m pouting. He takes his hand back as I get up from my chair, but before I can go anywhere, his free hand grabs my arm and he leans closer to whisper in my ear.
“You know hyung, even if we do that in real life, it’s not like you’re going to last longer, I’ll make sure of that…”



A/N: yeah, a short chapter this time! This way I can upload way quicker however… Thank you all for your patience.

Jaa ne ^^

fic, bigbang, daesung, gri, todae, fanfic, g-dragon, big bang, top, seungri

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