Hunted [Chapter 17]

May 25, 2015 14:07

“Riri!!” And sure, out of the forest appears the changed form of Jiyong, smiling and running towards Seungri and Youngbae. Both of them speed up and they start shouting at Jiyong, so happy to see him. In the corner of my eye, I can vaguely see Dae smiling at the scene in front of him. Jiyong’s smile disappears though and a look of utter horror falls on his face.

“Look out!” and at the exact same point I hear a loud BANG behind me. We all freeze except Dae as he falls to the ground.


Dae lands next to me and hits the ground quite hard as he screams in pain. I can see blood running from his right shoulder. I turn my body around and start running towards him, but an angry voice stops me.

“Don’t even think about it Seunghyun!” I look behind me and see the bully standing there, surrounded by other guards, gun pointing at Dae.
“One more step, any of you, and I’ll fire again and this time it’ll be his head…” What now? I look at Dae, he’s clearly in pain but his mouth is forming the words of ‘go, run away’. But how can I Dae? He’ll shoot you.

“Please don’t.” It’s the only thing I can say. I sound so pathetic, so scared. But it doesn’t make a difference. The bully even starts smiling. It’s that same creepy smile as before.

“You’re repeating yourself, Seunghyun. I remember you standing in that bathroom, saying those words over and over again… Until you changed into that monster you are now. My friends begged you to stop tearing them apart, but did you? No, you slaughtered them!” He keeps on waving his gun in Dae’s direction as he’s talking. Dae doesn’t deserve all this. This, all of this is only happening because of what I did in that bathroom.

“Then shoot me, he has nothing to do with it!” I yell, or at least I try yelling. The bully’s eyes widen at my statement and he smiles again.

“True, but he’s a monster, just like you. You are all monsters. I’m doing the world a favour by killing you.”

“Please…” Is the only thing I can say. There’s a pause, a moment of pure silence when he’s just staring back and forth between me and Dae. He seems in deep thought.

“Fine.” He sighs after a few moments and the gun is now pointing at me.
“But know this: once I shot you, I’ll enjoy making their lives hell as well.” I can hear the sound of the gun being loaded. This is it, isn’t it? In the end, I’m not even scared to die. I fear more for Dae and the rest after he shoots me. Time seems to slow down now and my hearing must not be working fully since I can hear the sound of my own heartbeat loud and clear. I also hear Dae’s voice yelling, but it’s too muffled to understand. I can see them starting to move towards me in slowmotion. You shouldn’t Dae. The fact that everything around me is happening so slowly means I’m going to die anyway, right? Why aren’t you running away from me? I’m giving you an opening here, run! But I guess my time’s up. The sound of the gun firing, following by an immense pain in my stomach says enough. The last thing I hear is the sound of Dae’s voice.



“Wake up, Seunghyun!”


There’s a white light trying to pierce through my eyelids. Am I in heaven? When I open my eyes the lights so bright I can barely see a thing, but I can clearly make out the shapes of hospital lamps on the ceiling… Pretty sure heaven doesn’t have those lamps. So I survived? How? Where am I?

“You’re at a hospital as you can see.” I hear a very familiar female voice beside me. The doctor’s voice. I try to turn my head to look at here, but it hurts too much.
“Careful now, you’ve been out of it for a while so your body is quite stiff. I’ll turn the bed for you. Just relax, you’re safe.”

“How?” Arh, that hurts. It’s probably best if I don’t try to talk.

“Well, your boyfriend can tell you the whole story if you’d like… That is, if he stops crying.” I can hear a faint, lovely laugh in that voice… wait a sec… boyfriend? Dae, Dae’s here?!

“Dae?!” Ah shit, Seugnhyun, don’t try to talk! My bed is turned around completely and I can see Dae sitting there. His face is a complete mess. Tears are streaming down his cheeks, nose running and he’s clearly sobbing.

“Hyung!” He stands up so fast I can barely embrace myself for an incoming hug. I can see the doctor smiling behind him.

“I’ll leave you two alone for now, but don’t do anything stupid okay?” She picks up her coat and leaves the room.
“The police will want to talk to you later so make sure you rest.” When the door closes, Dae also releases me from the hug. His cheeks still look like rivers but at least he stopped sobbing. I lift up my arm, trying to wipe away the tears from that handsome face. It hurts a bit, but I don’t care.

“What happened?” I whisper this time, it’s still painful but not so much. Dae looks at me with a frown and starts talking. Apparently the police came right after I was shot. Dae tells me he feared that they were there to help the guards take them back in. But they immediately ordered the guards to drop their guns. The bully wasn’t so cooperative though and was shot in his arm right before he tried to shoot me again. They were all arrested and I, Dae and the others were transferred to the nearest hospital. Jiyong and Seungri got discharged immediate and were brought to the police station. Youngbae had some minor injuries so he left a bit later. But both me and Dae got shot so we had to stay. In fact this reminds me of something.

“Dae… Why and I not dead?” I ask. Still, my mind made it quite clear I was going to die that moment. I completely blacked out instantly. I shouldn’t be here.

“Well… The moment you fell down after you were shot, I ran over to you. By them the police was almost already there so I took a chance and fed you my blood…”

“I bit you again? I’m sorry.” God, I hate that. Hurting Dae is the last thing I want to do. But Dae’s eyes widen at my statement.

“No hyung, you didn’t. I was already bleeding from the gun wound remember so I used that… And it’s good that I did that because the doctor thinks you wouldn’t have made it otherwise…” Oh… That’s good, I guess.
“But… Not that you biting me really bothers me though. Remember, I asked you to do that the first time. And… it’s kind of hot…” His cheeks have a light, pink colour and he looks away shyly. It’s very cute.

“Which reminds me, the first time I bit you, I was so high my mind made up quite a story.” I laugh, my throat hurts less and less. But why am I telling him that weird fantasy of mine. Oh well, we’re together now so…

“Ah you mean that thing you sort of dreamt before you thought you passed out right?” I nod.
“Yeah well… it wasn’t… exactly a dream… It… might have happened…” Dae’s face is completely red now.

“WHAT?” This… I… Oh my god…

“Hyung, I should’ve told you… but at the time, I… we… you know, it wasn’t a good time… I’m sorry…” Dae’s almost crying again. Jeez, if I had known that…

If I had known that, then what? Perhaps it was smart to act like it didn’t at the time. We had to focus on other things and who knows… We weren’t together then. Hell, I barely knew I liked men… It might have ended worse if he didn’t.

“No it’s… it’s okay, you did good to act like I dreamt the entire thing. We had to stay focussed.” Dae’s face lights up. How I love that. I take his face in my hands, pull him closer and kiss him. It feels so good to kiss him now, when we’re both free. The soft noises he’s making only encourage me to deepen the kiss. I open my eyes again and we part because of the lack of air and he looks at me. His smile is so beautiful.


“Come in.” Dae’s words barely left his mouth before the door opens. There are four police officers walking into our room, all stopping halfway towards the bed.

“Seugnhyun and Daesung I presume? I’m sorry to interrupt you but I will have to ask you two to come with us to the police station.”

A/N: oof, many months later and such a short chapter, sorry. But at least I’ll have the time to write some more soon *inner voice: no you don’t, you have to redo your finals!* T_T
That won’t stop me however :p
Anywho, thank you all for your lovely comments as always!

fic, bigbang, daesung, todae, fanfic, taeyang, g-dragon, big bang, top, seungri

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