The Back To School Post

Sep 19, 2012 00:08

Welp. I've been back at school for a while now. Starting early wasn't too bad, though training took a lot longer than I expected (mostly because the exec board talks a lot and gets off subject). UCC stuff in general is turning out to be really time-consuming. It was nice moving in when no one else was, though carrying everything up three flights of stairs sucked. Also I had to get new sheets because I have a full bed this year. And then the mattress pad we got from Target had a rip, so I had to exchange it for another one. Oh well, it worked out in the end. One of my friends couldn't make it back to school this year (financial reasons I think), so there's only three of us in the apartment. It works out great that we have a spare bed, though, because people have definitely used it (such as our honorary roommate, who lives on the other side of campus).

Living in an apartment is great! I get my own room, only have to share a bathroom with one other person, and we have couches and a kitchen. We can cook our own meals and I don't have to have dining hall food all the time, though buying groceries is not super fun. The apartment is on-campus housing, but it's across the bridge on North Campus so it takes a lot longer to get to everything than living in the dorms in the middle of campus. At least I'm getting exercise (especially carrying my saxophone around two days a week because all my classes including band are consecutive). Also, it's nice living with people I actually get along with. We talk to each other, act like animals on the living room floor, don't just sit on opposite sides of the room and ignore each other etc. So much better than last year. We're all goobers and it's awesome.

My friend and I thought our other roommate was dead or kidnapped last week though. We hadn't seen her since early in the morning, all her stuff was in her room, we couldn't reach her by cell phone because she'd left it here, the shower curtain was halfway closed, it was like 10:30 at night... We called the RA who called public safety and it turned out that she'd just been hanging out with friends. Then we had a conversation about communication, though I don't know if it'll change much because she apparently only rarely carries her cell phone around. There are some slight issues we have with her, but hopefully we'll address them in a roommate meeting eventually. Overall we all get along pretty well, though.

Last weekend we had our would-be roommate come visit school. We picked her up and sang Disney songs and RENT, got lost a couple times, played at an awesome park, all slept in a pile on two mattresses in the living room,stayed up til four in the morning, group-read a book at a different park while eating popsicles, watched an utterly ridiculous Japanese "horror" movie, and just generally had a great time. The weekend before that, we met someone new and started writing a really weird Homestuck mpreg fanfiction about the second coming. The weekend before that I went up to Tahoe to visit family for Labor Day, hung out, got an awesome Toy Story party hat from my grandpa's birthday celebration, and found out that my cousin is pregnant. I've been having some pretty good weekends so far.

School's going pretty well. I've been busier than I expected, taking fewer units, but it's been manageable. Part of it is probably because I'm on the exec board of two different clubs and have five club/exec board meetings a week. All the clubs are going great, though! They've all got awesome stuff planned. As far as classes go, I'm taking World Geography, Historical Imagination, Women in US History, band, and the honors seminar on Creativity and Knowledge. Historical Imagination is great, it's a really loosely-structured history class that's basically just like- go out and history! Enjoy it! The creativity seminar is fun, too, though it always makes me want to write. Geo is okay, but not terribly interesting and has map quizzes ugh. Women in US History is interesting, and has a teacher who I enjoyed from last semester. I have lots of research projects, but for my Historical Imagination paper I'm doing Jack the Ripper. I'm actually pretty excited for it.

I don't have a job as of now. I applied at the Multicultural Center, but apparently the competition was tough and I didn't get a job. I haven't actually applied anywhere else yet. Don't know if I want to work at the library. I keep thinking that it might be good to get a job as a tutor, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Bleh, I don't know. I feel like I'm busy enough as it is, but I could probably handle a job and I know my parents (mostly my dad) think I should get one. We'll see.

So that's a general overview of what's been happening in my life recently. Hopefully in the future I'll try to keep my journal updated more than once a month so I don't have to make huge monster posts trying to recall everything I did in the last four or five weeks. Hm.

friends, school, work, family

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