Dec 25, 2008 23:01
Wow. Christmas. And it's almost over now, at 11:00 at night. Well, now I don't have to worry about shopping for people anymore. Okay, anyway, it was a pretty good Christmas. I got a bunch of pretty awesome stuff, and there was only one slightly too-sparkley sweatshirt I'm not sure about. I had plenty of presents, and this year I didn't open them all so fast I ran out of stuff to open. It seemed like other people, mainly my mom, also got a lot of stuff. Maybe I was just happy about all the stuff she got because it was my sister and I who picked out the majority of it. Some of my favourite presents were: the book Phantom by Susan Kay (after about a year and a half of having it on various gift lists), a box of assorted chocolates (I like chocolate), season 1 of the new Doctor Who, nice black flannel pj pants, a nifty brown beret (one that's not made of terribly itchy wool), some fingerless gloves that came with mittens (the plain black kind I'd been wanting, actually), anda super cool jakcet that either looks brown, purple, or grey depending on the light. My cousin got a Nintendo DS game he's been playing all day. There was a bit of an exciting moment when the tree fell on us while we were opening presents (the current theory is that it was overbalanced by the new tree-topper), but other than that the morning was pretty calm. Well, my sister and I both woke up around 5:30 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep for a while, but we put on a movie and fell back asleep eventually. Yeah.
Another grandpa (my dad's father) came up around noon with his slightly obnoxious girlfriend (who's actually older than he is), and we had the traditional eggs benedict around then. It was more like lunch than breakfast, but it worked. In the afternoon, because my sister was bored, we ended up going to the movies and seeing "Bedtime Stories". It was cute and pretty good. A bit better than I expected, and the theatre was also more crowded than I expected. It was kind of different, and it's not like anything was going on at our house either. Mainly my dad and grandma taking naps and old people visiting. We had dinner (prime rib and homemade potatoes FTW) around five, then did presents with them. My sister and I got $30 each. It was cool. After that there was pie and then they left. Everyone was just sort of hanging around after that, and they all ended up going to bed early. By now it's just me and my grandma in the living room with a House marathon on, and my sister and cousin are in my room with a movie on, supposed to be getting to bed. What a change from last year. That wasn't sarcasm, by the way. People didn't start heading home until after midnight. But it doesn't matter. It was a good Christmas.