Oct 14, 2008 23:26
Have I mentioned how much I love finally being able to do drama in school? Yeah, it's freaking amazing. I'm so excited about our play; it's going to be hilarious. It's called "You Can't Take it With You" and is basically about this insane family in the thirties who have a couple brushes with the federal government and a daughter (me!) who is in love with the son of a big company that has something to do with Wall Street. Obviously, the families are completely different and that's one of the main points of the plot. Oh, and there are large Russian men in tutus doing pirouettes and crazy fireworks builders. It's really fun. We're just getting off-book, which is going to make rehearsals a lot easier. I did pretty well with my lines for act 1, not quite so great with act 2, (actually, no one really did great with this act and we're going to work on it some more tomorrow) and I'm not sure how I'll do on act 3. I read over the rest of the script tonight and I was pretty sure of my lines, so hopefully it'll work out well. Lines or no lines, in-book or off-book, I don't care. I'm happy enough just to be there.
Now, on a completely different subject, I'm bummed that I'm going to miss the last Presidential Debate tomorrow night. It's right in the middle of my Spanish class half an hour away, which is going well, by the way, for being my first college class. I'm recording it, though. I can't believe I haven't written much about my feelings on this election. Looking back at some of my older posts, I ranted a lot about various things and now it's mostly me apologising for not updating in a month. I'm going to try to fix that. Anyway, I'm hoping for Obama and would totally vote for him if I was actually old enough. I can vote in the next election, though! That'll be great. But yeah, it's a little weird because my parents, my dad in particular, are voting for McCain. Whatever. I just don't talk about politics around them much. And if the election goes the way the polls are showing, I won't have to worry anymore. The election will be over and things will have gone the way I was hoping, but you can never be sure. Fingers crossed, though.