Dec 30, 2005 14:41
I woke up this morning, checked my email and someone commented to my Christmas Post with:
you take after your mother.
she appears to be as much as an attention seeker as you do.
your a silly child, who thinks she is so grown up and trendy, with
your piercings etc.
yes live journal is an expression of ourselves,
but yours is all about attention!
obviously not getting enough
u sad sad slut
Now, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and I am the first person to say that I am an attention whore and a slut. There is no denyibng those things. I do love the attention (why else would I take so many pictures and post them for all the world to see) and as for the slut part...Well, I've never been one to hide my count, as you all well know (for those of you who don't know, it's currently at 51, I believe)...But to say that I don't get enough! And to talk about my mother in such a way...What's the world coming to. Now, I wondered who could this person be, that would say such things. Do they know me? Or were they some random who happened to find my journal and decide to make me feel like shit by insulting me for no apparantly reason? I decided to look up the name in order to try to get answers to these questions.
And the results of my search were:
No matches
No site page or username matches your search for flindersstreet.
Hmmm...It would seem that this person does not exist! *laughs* Trust le Kitten to be insulted by someone who does not exist.
I replied to the person (before I realised they did not exist) by saying: Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinions