The Affordable Health Care ActThe road to hell is paved with good intentions. The good intent of the Affordable Health care act is clear, but so are the cracks. "If I've got to fight another three years to make sure this law works, then that's what I'll do," stated President Obama, December 03, 2013 at a healthcare event in Washington, D.C. Well, Mr. President, I believe the law should already work by the time you expect the American people to abide by it. Clearly low income families get the short end of the stick with this bill, yet they call it the ‘Affordable’ Healthcare Act. States like Texas seem to be hit the hardest where state optional Medicaid expansion has been denied by state government. In the state of Texas, a low income adult has a better chance of being hit by a meteor than to get on Medicaid as it stands. Federally mandated penalties are also a concern for low income families that do not qualify for Medicaid and can not afford the cost of insurance premiums. Why would you enforce a cash penalty on someone’s income tax check who can’t afford to pay for coverage? Many people count on their income tax checks to pay off debt, pay for school, or get items that they have needed but couldn’t afford throughout the year. As if the American people did not have enough to worry about, the criminal element has already figured out a way to cash in on the Affordable Health Care Act as well. Then again, we do not have to make it as easy for them. Many people, even with warnings from the Federal Trade Commission, still give out personal information, like social security numbers and bank information, to unseen callers over their telephone lines (Hicken,2013). In my opinion, a state optional expansion of Medicaid, theft, and cash penalties are not the way to influence people that the Affordable Health Care Act will work.
Hicken, M. CNN Money. September 19, 2013. Most Common Health Care Scams. Retrieved from
Obama, B. December 03, 2013 Speech on the Affordable Health Care Act. White house Press Secretary. December 03, 2013. Retrieved from