(no subject)

Jul 16, 2002 18:31

Over the last few weeks things have now become quite clear for me and I do have targets set in my life..About fucking time I hear some say...to them I say..we all work at our own speeds dont push cos you wont like what happens in the end!

I am going to make sure I spend lots of my time with my kids, they are the love of my life. The rest of the time I am going to spend it with my real friends, whether that means clubbing, chilling or just doing fuck all together, thats what i am going to do...No more wandering about life aimlessly, no more following others or letting others control me...I set my fashions, pace of life well I control it all.

No more of this destiny crap...its all being written as I go along....best way as I see it...so see you all soon.....

PS My lip piercing (Labrett now is healing well, slight swelling left but nothing really noticable....and it looks fucking wicked)
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