May 21, 2007 22:30
*flails* Holy crap, that was awesome! Omg, so, so awesome. Nathan was dead and Sylar was impersonating him, and omg, Peter!
...Peter was damn hot. The stubble, the scar, the hot black coat thing...I could not take my eyes off him; in every scene he was in, he was just...*flails* And when he fought against Sylar? *flails* Hot. Just...unbearably hot.
I'm an incoherent mess. Seriously. One of the best episodes of any show I have ever watched. It was just so good, so awesome, and argh. The plots, the timeline, and how the future was so dark and grim...the twist with Nathan dying and the ambiguity about the actual timing of when Sylar killed Nathan. Did Sylar kill Nathan before Nathan became so morally grey or before? Because Peter pretty much shouted liar when Sylar even insinuated it, and now I'm incredibly curious as to how Nathan and Peter drifted apart. Other than the whole turning on his own kind thing that Sylar!Nathan was doing...
Everything was so darkly grim. I love it. I was sad about Ando though, and how it affected Hiro, turning him into this really serious person so far from the fun-loving, bouncy, puppy-like Hiro I know and love. Although, future Hiro is undeniably kickass with the wielding of the katana and his cool black outfit.
tv: heroes,