Where's January? >:[

Jan 28, 2010 00:24

¤ Tests are over, yay!! ...essay and assignment, nay :(

¤ I hate bureaucracy so much. So very much. Especially government bureaucracy. Why must they get everything wrong!! They got my employment details for 2008 wrong, and now I'm trying to correct it. I wouldn't be too fussed about it except they are asking for repayment of my student allowance that I shouldn't be repaying. Hate. :(

¤ Supernatural has a sixth season and it makes me incredibly happy. I don't mind what they do as long as they don't get rid of Castiel and they don't try to drag any of the arcs over. Stalling the apocalypse arc just makes it less epic and satisfying. I want a new start, and as others have suggested, Dean and Sam trying to heal from all the emotional and physical beating they've gotten. WITH CASTIEL POPPING ALL THE TIME EVERY SO OFTEN BEING ANGELIC AND HILARIOUS AND ALL BAMF AND SMITE-Y. No, really. I want. I've read some really amazing gen fics that could be an episode with the three of them hunting creepy things and saving people. I want Sam and Castiel to be friends and bond. :(

¤ YamaNade!! Kame!! I haven't loved a Kame drama this much since two dramas ago aj;sf; t-the dance in the beginning. Laughing so hard, SPIRIT FINGERS. Oh god, those are SPIRIT FINGERS. I'm getting Bring It On flashbacks, bawling. I have so much to flail about. I love Takeru, and the adorable, adorable way he interacts with Kyohei. I love how Kyohei is so self-absorbed and bratty and so, so cute and then he becomes scorching hot when he's all disdainful. It's like when he's pretending to be a host with that hair and that attitude and he's all 'you're not good enough for me to pour wine for' disdain disdain disdain and then the girl goes 'NO PLEASE DISDAIN SOME MOAR AT ME, LOOK I CAN POUR WINE TOO'.

Yes, Kame. Please be disdain some more. If only he could play a villain in a drama. DO WANT. :( And then, Sunako!! I love her so much. Headbutting and addiction to sweet things and aj;sf Sunako and Kyohei throwing punches and kicking ass. And then throwing punches at each other. I love Sunako's rage and Kyohei's stubborness. Their rage is so much love. ♥♥♥

When did Uchi become hot? Hi, Uchi, hi. I'm so happy you can act too. *_*

Tegoshi really won me over again here. He's so cute! He has a teddy bear! And he gets scared so adorably!! I like old school Tegoshi better than now-Tegoshi. He seems so bland these days that I kind of, uh, lost interest but he totally won me over here ♥

I liked the first episode more than the second, I think, probably because the second felt more contrived. Hello, princess mushroom. But then there was the kiss, and Sunako getting angry over it being her first and then Kyohei getting all defensive and taken off guard when he admits it's his first kiss too and suddenly, it's like the first episode again. Then, fighting commences. I-I think I kind of ship them. ♥

¤ I've decided I'm going to find full-time, permanent employment after I finish these two courses. Wish me luck. :|

¤ Oh, wow, $73,680 confirmed donations in help_haiti *_*

jdrama, ilu kame-chan, tv: supernatural, fandom-y stuff, tv, life is hard, university is traumatic, charity, my life is so mundane, they call it work experience, jdrama: yamato nadeshiko shichi henge, help haiti, life hates me

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