Well, flist kind of exploded with the new Kame pic. I approve wholeheartedly. The cigarette, the wet hair... oh, Kame. *__*
I... kind of thought today was Saturday? afj;af I'm so befuddled. Adding an extra day when there wasn't. Maybe it was wishful thinking or something, because god, I would love an extra 24 hours. Mostly, it's my fault. I slept for hours and hours and hours, and the time I haven't slept, I tried catching up. Key word: tried. And then, there's the Merlin
Big Bang. So many epic fics! So little time! So much more appealing than assignments!
I'm very much doomed. T_T
The phone I was hoping to get was out of stock, so I'm impatiently waiting, while looking longingly at the new network. 9c for national and international texting! 44c per min for national and international calling! 100 free texts every time you top up with $20! Wtf, why am I not on this plan already?? Oh, right, because the phone isn't here yet, and I don't want to keep swapping networks on my current phone. :|
I'm still working and going to uni. And yes, I still hate that bloody hill. Or, well, mostly. The hate's more of a force of habit than actual rage by now (I've sort of gotten used to it...) and because it's really annoying how much time I spend walking. So inefficient.
I'm really behind on flist right now, and have mostly skimmed. Do not be surprised if I comment weeks days later. :|