Semester two started this week, and I have been juggling between work and university, university and work, and the timetable clashes and the stupidly slow, bureaucratic system is not helping matters. The forms and the paperwork and the queues. The queues are so long. I'm guessing I'm not the only one with scheduling/enrolment issues. :(
My timetable is okay, even with the clash. The problem is that I'm switching between work and university, which requires walking up and down a hill and it has not been pretty. It would also explain why I've been so hungry lately aj;sfd For instance, for two days I start work at 8am, have a very quick lunch between 11am 11:30am, and then walk down the busy street and up the hill and past the park until I make it to the campus, where in I head towards the building where my lectures are held. If I'm lucky, the lecture room is not too far away, but if I'm unlucky, I have to walk further down to the OG block. It's pretty and shiny and built fairly recently with huge, flashy lecture rooms but it's also further away than my other lecture blocks.
So. Lectures start from noon, and finish at 4pm. This is also when I start getting hungry. :| I need to start getting little snacks in between walking from one lecture block to another.
Usually, I would finish at 4pm. Unfortunately, because of the forms and the textbooks/course books, I've ended up finishing later... Then, I get home and crash for a few hours. Fun stuff.
For the other two days, I start off at 8am for work, head off for university for a couple of hours, and then get back to work and finish at 5pm. Much more simple, but again, the hill. Stupid hill. I get the feeling I'm using up most of my energy right then and there before I even make it to class. T_T
You can see how happy I am it's the weekends, right? But... it's Monday again tomorrow. I don't wanna. D: On the other hand, my contract is coming to an end really soon. Looking forward to some rest ajs;f
Before this semester started, I finished watching Generation Kill. It is possibly the best mini-series I have ever seen and oh my god, Alexander Skarsgard as Brad Colbert basically walks around like a golden Adonis (as everyone's already mentioned). He is so awesome and smart and competent and aj;sf shirtless. *_* Also, there there is this large tattoo on his back. We get to see this during one of his shirtless scenes too. *_*
I mention Brad all the time because, well, he's Brad, but I have another favourite too. Ray. The one who never shuts up and sings Avril Lavinge songs. He is so hilarious with the things he says. Oh, Ray.
Ray: Oh no, not only do we need to worry about all the Charms you've eaten, now Brad's just pissed off God.
Now, onto True Blood which I've just recently caught up with.
Eric continues to be hot and badass, and ohhh, Godric. I loved that flashback. Eric as a Viking! His "wherever I am, there will always be women" even when he was close to death and probably faint from the blood loss, and I just fell for Eric all over again. Then, that scene with Godric. Well. I think I will ship Eric/Godric now, yes? *_* It kind of helps that Eric is so concerned for Godric, to the point where he lost his temper. And he never loses his temper.
I admit, the episode kind of dragged a little. I don't know, I keep expecting things to move along faster, but that just might be because I'm waiting weekly where as before I just... watched season one in the span of a week.
Hoyt/Jessica are so adorable, and I really love Jessica now. Her teenage vampiric outbursts are so hilarious and Bill's face. Ahhh, I love their whole little family.
I wish there was more Lafayette. One tiny scene is not enough. :(