Ahhh I love Fridays

Jun 12, 2009 18:28

Safari 4 is out of beta and I've been using it for a couple of days now. I really like it. It's sleeker and faster and it has a much better address bar, and it also has Chrome's top visited sites thing. Only prettier. So far, so good. Mostly I just like how fast it renders web pages and I discovered that they had a Develop menu with options to open web pages in other browsers (Opera and Firefox for me personally), switching user agents, and web inspectors, along with various options to disable/enable javascript, cache, images, site-specific hacks, styles, etc. *_* It's kind of exactly what I want and why I have userscripts and extensions in Opera and Firefox. The ad-blocking isn't done as well though, so I had to install ad-blocking Safari plug-ins. In any case, the browser of the moment is Safari... until I get distracted by shiny new updates from the others. ;)

So. Old Akame rumours but with some new details ajs;df so cute, so very cute.

I love reading summaries of Kame's Kase by Kase.

Then Kame wants to know about the solo. He worries about spoiling it with all the things he does. She says that's not the case at all. His solo was great. Kame asks her if him playing a female role was disgusting? She says 'not at all' [very often] and then that he was a real beauty [they both have to laugh].

A real beauty. *dies laughing* This is the second time Kame's been called a real beauty ajsd;fj and he worries about spoiling his with the all the epic things he does, which if all our reactions are to go by, he couldn't be more wrong about. Oh, Kame. He is so precious. ♥

...but then...

Also, when he was twelve, before graduation, they had to write letters to their 20-year-old selves. He received his and says it was embarrassing.
He wrote things like “20-year-old Kazuya, how are you?”, “I think maybe you will appear at a baseball game in the Olympics.”, “How is it? Are you good friends with all players? What position do you have?”...

Like Kame, it's all so precious and adorable until he breaks your heart into little pieces. ;_;

Baseball. Olympics. Friends with all the players... I. I just keep picturing chibi Kame writing this letter to his future self and MY HEART ;_;

ilu kame-chan, kame needs so much love, geekery, rec, so pleased, je: akame, browsers are exciting, je

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