Am currently beta-ing, but out of curiosity, I took a look at
website (for Arashi fic) and saw a whole heap of ficlets continuing on from
just like all those girls 'verse and. MY HEART. Aiba. Matsujun. I. I have to read. Then I will get back to beta-ing ASAP.
Also, two previous Merlin fics I read before:
Two Weeks NoticeArthur is a prattish Executive VP of the Pendragon Corporation with a disturbingly non-ironic love of Demotivational posters. Merlin is a tree-hugging barista with a "magic" tongue. Morgana's a peeping Tom and her breasts have superpowers. Gwen and Lancelot get married. Owain is the company bicycle. Arthur attempts to steal Merlin's affections from Will through epic DDR combat. Merlin gets drunk a lot. There is a pillow fight, and a helicopter ride, and rooftop confessions, and Arthur decides Merlin really is his destiny, whether he likes it or not.
BeltaneThere is a story that is not told in Ealdor anymore, not for many years now, a story about Beltane Eve.
Beltane is part of a trilogy. My favourite has to be Coming of Age and the whole magic thing, and then the parallel with the third part (which I read first because it was posted in that order ajsdf;) is so perfect.