nothing but je

Jan 29, 2008 22:27

THE LIPS PV IS OUT. I AM SO EXCITED. FEEL MY CAPSLOCK OF EXCITEMENT. Kame is smouldering and super and asfjkl Jin apparently has eyeliner too. *_* Akame in eyeliner. It's like they tuned into my unknown fantasy of KAT-TUN as wannabe emo jrockers.

TakkiTsuba pics here are so cute. ♥

Why does Koichi have such crazy fans? Fans that would start a ( Read more... )

ilu kame-chan, je: akamepi, je: pikame, rec, je: kanjani8, rec: je, ilu bakanishi, drabbles, je: news, je: akame, je: kat-tun, je: takkitsuba, je: kinki kids, je

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gingifere January 29 2008, 12:29:52 UTC
aksslsl that fic. :(( God they're like a million times worse than Akamepi. Trust you to like angst (I read your comment on Sam's post about your name. LOL)

akskssl I love how you linked that fic inspiration to a comment that shows off my immense weirdness. IT IS STILL DOING THE RANDOM ICON THING THOUGH. :////

I MISS YOOOOOU. God I really miss our conversations. :( Is work getting better? <3


samenashi January 29 2008, 16:31:54 UTC
mine selects random icons because of this greasemonkey extension i have installed. i always end up with the most awkward comments because of it. example.


gingifere January 29 2008, 16:38:48 UTC
Greasmonkey...sounds intriguing. I seriously know nothing about computer so I generally make darkgloom" sort out anything that involves me working with them. akssll same. I love that mine always end up being incredibly pervy.


darkgloom January 30 2008, 07:04:43 UTC
My life is so hard.

Greasemonkey is awesome. It's an extension that allows you to install scripts that do stuff. Uh, really good, useful stuff. I'm making this sound so un-awesome.


gingifere January 30 2008, 14:03:55 UTC
Yes, yes it is. But know that I hold a special place in my heart for you, you the technological Goddess of my life. <3

aksksl you're really selling it. Seriously.


darkgloom January 31 2008, 09:16:49 UTC
technological Goddess has a nice ring to it. ♥

asfjkl it is really awesome. Really. There are about a million scripts that do a million things.


darkgloom January 30 2008, 06:54:05 UTC
asfjkl, I have the same problem, only it's the Livejournal Addon extension that does it. I try to double check but sometimes it doesn'


darkgloom January 29 2008, 19:16:26 UTC
asfjkl they are. :( The rift is still strong, and asfjkl, it feels permanent. :/

(laughing. I like angst, I won't lie. It's how I got sucked into Akame.)

Sarah, I always end up laughing every time I read that comment yours.

LAUGHING. DID YOU CHANGE THE SETTING OPTION SO THAT IT WON'T RANDOMISE YOUR ICONS? (Also check to see if it's the other extension (LJHook?) that's doing it; I don't know if that one has a randomise icon function too).

I MISS YOU TOO. :( I'm hurriedly writing this just before I leave work asfjkl, will say more later.


gingifere January 29 2008, 19:37:44 UTC
That is so distressing. :(( I want to kidnap them and make them talk it out ending in hugs and sparkles and the exchanging of cookies or something. :/

(Yes Akame is a pool of angst. Better than my lj name-I stole it off my friend :P)

I live to make others laugh, particularly when it showcases my insanity <3


YATTA! Ok will talk to you later hopefully!


darkgloom January 30 2008, 07:21:25 UTC
Me too. :( I want to know what went wrong and try to fix it. :( So angsty. Takki and Tsubasa are so married and cute right now, and Subaru has Kanjani8 but I STILL WANT TO SEE TAKKI AND TSUBASA AND SUBARU INTERACT. :|

(apparently, the best way to addict me to a fandom is to show me the complicated angsty dynamics. i can't resist.)

*dying* On the bottom right corner of your screen in firefox, there should be a lj user icon thing there. Right click, go to settings, and then go to 'comments'. Look down for the "Randomise icons for icons and comments" checkbox and make sure there's no tick in it. (if that's fine, then it might be LJhook. check the settings on that as well).

Candles aren't enough anymore. Do I get a shrine? ;D

Our conversations. :/ We will have to make up for it in the weekends. ♥

asfjkl work is slightly better. at least I don't hate it? I'm just biding time until uni.


gingifere January 30 2008, 14:09:14 UTC
Thank God Akamepi isn't as angsty. Well apart from Pi's blatant unrequited love for Kame which exists solely in my head. I AM ATTEMPTING TO WRITE AKAME SURVIVAL FIC BUT I HAVE MADE KOKI AND JIN SHOUT AT EACH OTHER WHICH IS TRAUMATISING POOR KAME. God what is it with my complete inability to write anything non-angsty?! Maybe I should still with porn.

(akssl not complaining. You write good angst.)

With roses and a new selection of Belgium Chocolates every day. I'd put your photo in the middle if it wasn't so incredibly creepy.

WE DO. God I look forward to it! :)))

Good. Think of the money. And broadband. ♥


darkgloom January 31 2008, 11:21:11 UTC
Compared to TakkiTsubaSubaru, Akamepi is so happy asfjkl. I like to think that any Pikame awkwardness is because of Jin, and the fact that Yamapi is trying to be a good best friend and not accidentally come on to Kame.

*laughing* AKAME SURVIVAL FIC. SO HILARIOUS. Angst and pron, sounds all right, ne? ;D

(asfjkl you'll be happy to know I finally edited that Akame fic with Jin kicking Taguchi. XD)

♥♥ Just letting you know I am very happy with my new shrine.

asfjkl so tired. Will get back to all the stuff I'm meant to be catching up on.

broadband~~ my ray of light in this darkness.


gingifere January 31 2008, 18:46:47 UTC
Yamapi is trying to be a good best friend and not accidentally come on to Kame.

asksls must be so hard. Poor man.

GOD I HOPE SO. akssl need to find effort and inspiration first though. Samenashi and soundczech are completely to blame for putting the idea into my head. ://

(THRILLED. Does this mean you will be posting it soon? :D)

Phew. Would have felt like you were throwing my gift back into my face if you didn't appreciate it. I bought some Pocky today which I will dedicate to you <3

akssl the dls. It will be amazing. HAVE SO MUCH TO LINK YOU TOO!!


darkgloom February 2 2008, 10:35:10 UTC

(asfjkl I was meant to post today but ended up too dead. tomorrow. XD)

I welcome any and all dedications ♥♥



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