Akame fic meme, ftw. ♥
There's also the
JE/Kink Smut meme confessional. I will, uh, confess later, although it shouldn't be difficult to guess which prompt fic I wrote.
I woke up incredibly early today, and I'm sleepy and tired and kind of squinty without my coffee, but I couldn't get back to sleep. :/ Which may not be a bad thing considering I have two fics to finish. I have been neglecting Dragon!Sasuke, and the contest fic. Bad, me. XD
Watched Heroes episode 2.11 last night, and while the finale wasn't as urgent or as good as last season, it brought a sort of conclusion to this arc and the beginning of the next arc. It sort of feels like in the third season they're going to try and recapture the rush of the first, which I don't blame them for. As long as it won't be repetitive, I'm all for it.
- In eleven episodes, this was the only Nathan-Peter scene. Last season, there was a Petrelli brothers moment in nearly every episode. I feel so deprived.
- Wow, Angela Petrelli is so very cold and ruthless. She also continues to rock.
- Kensei, buried forver. Oh, Hiro. The look on his face after he buried Kensei. :/
- Peter looks so very good with his short hair-it's not as short as when he first got it, and he just looks very hot in his black attire. Almost as hot as Peter in the 5-Years future.
- SYLAR IS BACK. And he and Mohinder still had all that chemistry. The scene with Molly? Looked so much like he was the ex-boyfriend coming back to destroy Mohinder's new family.
In other news, my ankle hurts. It could be sprained, I have no clue, but every time I put weight on it there is pain. :(