heroes and naruto, but sadly no bleach

Dec 21, 2007 11:48

I really should get back in the habit of waking up earlier, but sleeping in is so tempting these days, especially when it's so close to the holidays and it's not really necessary for me to be up earlier than 11am. More baking is done: this time,  it's custard tarts, which is sort of my favourite even though it turned out kind of bland and with too little custard. Still tasty, especially the flaky pastry. ;)

I am cutting it a bit too fine for Christmas shopping. XD Not exactly my fault - well, maybe it is, but how was I supposed to know I was going to run out of Christmas cards :| - and I still have one more person to shop for. I still have to wrap the presents for my little brother and sister as well. I hate wrapping and I'm not really good at it. :<

Have finally caught up a bit with Heroes; I had episode 9 and 10 languishing on my hard drive while I got distracted by baking, paperwork, and Christmas shopping. Now I need to wait for episode 11. :/

  • Mr. Bennett. *_* God, I hope he gets out of there and kicks the Company's butt.
  • Oh, Claire. You redeemed yourself so much, and god, you made of awesome right at the end there with Ella.
  • It was absolutely amusing how Mr. Bennett (I can't call him Noah; to me, he will always be the definitive Mr. Bennett) tried to make small talk with West about cars.
  • So sweet and endearing how the relationship between the two of them were strengthened here, in contrast with Bob and Ella.
  • I felt so sorry for Ella there when Mr. Bennett revealed how Bob tested Ella. :/
  • Sylar. Asfklj. That phone call to Mohinder...*_* Why...do I find that kind of hot? *_*
  • So. Apparently I get bored of Sylar when he isn't tormenting Mohinder. Yes.
  • Poor Alejandro. :/ Maya...is next. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to be emotionally invested in them.
  • Oh, Peter. You're helping the wrong side. XD And why didn't you go to Nathan?
  • I'm not very interested in how Matt's powers are developing. :/ I'd rather more Nathan plz.
  • Hiro's realisation that he can't change the past happened a little too quick to be believable. I don't know. I'd rather they'd have taken so time to develop that better instead of having Hiro take his father back in the past and then back to the future again.
  • Asfjkl, can not wait for the Hiro vs Peter showdown. *_*
  • Am definitely looking forward to the last episode, though I heard it was okay rather than great. So. We'll see. I'm still looking forward to it though.

As for the recent Naruto chapter...

Asfjkl, Jiraiya. *_* I...I think N's theory about Jiraiya dying is holding up just a little too well, because it does seem like Jiraiya is...not going to survive this fight. It looks like he's going to take down Pain too, and...just...I'll miss Jiraiya. A lot. What would Naruto be without the Pervert Sannin? :/

I loved that flashback; I loved how Jiraiya was the one who named Naruto. It was too brief though to see Naruto in Naruto's mother, but it was still very bittersweet to see the happy family. I really wanted to know who Pain really was, but unfortunately, that'll be in the next chapter. Which I hope is up soon. *_*

And I want more Itachi-Sasuke, damn it. It's so very cruel of Kishimoto leaving them hanging like that.

Are more people moving from LJ to GJ? Because it seems like GJ's resources are getting tighter and tigher (from 1000 icons to 100, and now to 10), and IJ has a note on the main page about taking GJ users.

ahhh livejournal, tv: heroes, my life is so mundane, animanga: naruto, tv

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