More JE, who is surprised?

Oct 27, 2007 15:48

Yes, I have a new layout and icon rotation. ♥

I'm probably the last person to watch the first episode of Yuukan Club, but, uh, I had good reasons. Really good ones like dying from stress and sleep deprivation, and consuming vast amounts of coffee. Otherwise nothing would have stopped me from watching Jin in his new drama. ♥

Well, I took a little break when I got home and decided that I might as well watch (this here is evidence of how much I adore Jin because even though I have the latest episode of Heroes waiting for me on my USB flash drive, I still chose to watch Yuukan Club instead. I know.).

In terms of the plot, it's pretty average. It's mostly episodic, from what I can see, but it's funny, it's entertaining, and there's Jin, of course. Do I really need anything else? ;)

What I really like about Yuukan Club is the characters. Seriously, I am so amused by everyone, but particularly Bido (wow, Taguchi with blonde hair and blue contacts is gorgeous), and Noriko, who cracks me up with every disdainful expression. Yuri is possibly the most adorable character ever and my favourite so far. ♥ Seishiro is awesome with his I can't believe I'm friends with these people look and I kind of want him and Noriko to get together and be extremely hilarious together.

Jin...I love Jin and his little adorable expressions or actions. Miroku's actually the most low-key, which I hope to change because he can be so incredibly funny when he tries. I loved his disguise at the party and his reaction to his father's attendance, and the expression on his face when he saw the couple who were being, uh, intimate. His gestures and thumps up cracked me up. And I loved his crying at the end when the girl he likes is moving to London. It just reminded me so much of his fake-crying in the Leah Dizon episode, when he 'hit' the obstacle. *laughs*

All in all, I enjoy this episode a lot. There were so many scenes where I couldn't help but laugh and laugh simply because it was so funny or because one of the characters were being hilarious or simply because of how ridiculous the scene was (the picture of the dog being kidnapped, anyway? I thought it was her father or something, but then this image of her dog showed up and asfjkl I died laughing). It was pretty tongue-in-cheek so every thing came off quite light-hearted and fun and definitely entertaining. I'm going to download the second episode as soon as I get the chance because Yuri was even more adorable than usual in the previews.

I'm a KAT-TUN fan utmost, but I am extremely fascinated by the dynamics in NEWS. To be honest, I hate it when people try to compare KAT-TUN and NEWS and then try to put one down while putting the other up, especially when the talk of member-ai comes up. :| Part of the reason why I'm so fascinated by NEWS is because of how they first started and how their dynamics became the way it is; it's kind of like saying NEWS is happy and fluffy and bursting with member-ai  and then glossing over the depth of their history. :| Maybe it's just me and my interest in angst and drama (is it so surprising that I'm an Akame fan? XD), but I'm just so fascinated by their dynamics back then. Plus, I love how Tegoshi won over everyone, which leads me onto...

Tegoshi Yuuya in Shounen Club Premium translated by newshfan who is all kinds of awesome. ♥

I seriously couldn't not watch this. And I am so glad I did, because I just about died laughing when Nagase was on the VTR, talking about how he was in a drama with Tegoshi and got to know him. How they ate sometimes and how Nagase would drop Tegoshi home since he lived nearby, and then...then Nagase went on to say Tegoshi had a cute and refreshing smile but that he can't help but think it's calculated. Asfjkl. *dies laughing* Then he goes on to say that he can't help but think there's poison underneath and then it ends and the thing that cracks me up the most? It's that despite all this Nagase still takes him out for food and drives him home and asfjkl, oh god, Tegoshi is the master of the universe.

During the VTR of the other NEWS members, I couldn't help but think Yamapi sounded a bit wistful when he said how Tegoshi would make sarcastic remarks and insults with Koyoma, Shige, and Masuda but usually not him. I mean, I sort of heard before how it's more clique-ish in NEWS, and I always got the feeling that there was this invisible, unconscious line between Ryo and Yamapi and the younger members, because Tegoshi and the others really respect them (Tegoshi in particular seem to idolise him, and calls them with a -kun but calls Shige...Shige. (It really cracked me up when Shige complained about that but then said it was okay and you get the feeling that  it's really not so Tegoshi will bypass -kun and instead call him Shige-san *laughs* ). It makes me wonder if Yamapi is uncomfortable with being put on a pedestal and whether it's only Tegoshi who does this. Like I said, I'm so fascinated by NEWS dynamics. *laughs*

On another note, when I first heard the name of their song, Miso Soup, I blinked and then scratched my head's a song. About soup. Only it wasn't. I heard TegoMass sing for the first time and I was all, 'asfjkl, their voices.' Seriously, so pretty. Tegoshi's voice is so pretty, and it blended perfectly with Masuda's and when both of them were singing one after the after I was literally enthralled. Must. find. song.

So, um, I also watched TegoMass on Domoto Brothers and I find Masuda to be the most adorable thing ever. He is annoyed when he wears sweaters and tops and then on the train when it gets crowded, he gets hot so then he gets frustrated, which makes him even hotter and he can't forgive it. Masuda, ILU. So cute. And then when asked what was the thing that changed most since the last time NEWS was on Domoto Brothers, Tegoshi says his face and Masuda then says, 'Tegoshi's face.' So cute. They tell him to answer about someone else. Hee. I loved how Masuda says he doesn't like it when Tegoshi says in magazines and interviews that someday, he wants to be god. *laughs and laughs* And then Tsuyoshi says that Tegoshi seems like someone who could become god and then I became a ball of utter glee, because it is so true. I mean, there was even an example here, when Tegoshi won over Koichi with his being a fan of car racing. Asfjkl.

I didn't realise this until the end, but TegoMass bears a certain resemblance to another favourite duo of mines. No wonder I find Masuda so adorable. He's like a mini Tsubasa. ♥

jdrama, rec, fandom-y stuff, rec: news, jdrama: yukan club, ilu yamapi, je: news, ilu bakanishi, je: takkitsuba, je: tegomass, je

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