Nov 17, 2004 15:56
last kiss: jesus Christ...its been awhile, August I think.
last cigarette: a few minutes ago
last good cry: When me and Dani went at it, about 3 weeks ago
last library book checked out: Herbal Magik. This spring I am starting herb garden.
last movie seen in a theatre: I can't even remember
last cuss word uttered: Me in the word Fuck get along well
last beverage drank: Iced tea
last food consumed: gold rush chicken sandwich from Roy Rogers
last phone call: I called and checked my messages
last tv show watched: Oparah
last shoes worn: Green and white DCs
last cd played: nappy roots
last item bought: Pack of cigarettes
last thing downloaded: I forget
last annoyance: My mother this morning acting like I lost a paper she was looking for
last disappointment:
last soda drank: Dr Pepper
last ice cream eaten: Cake batter from maggie moos
last time trippin on drugs?: I have clean piss
last time in love: I don't fall out of love easy
last time hugged: Garrett gave me a hug yesterday
last shirt worn: black sweat shirt
last time dancing: Saturday
1 MINUTE AGO: putting my hair up
1 HOUR AGO: playing on the internet
1 DAY AGO: playing on the internet
1. What do you most like about your body? my butt
2. And least? My tummy
3. How many fillings do you have? None
4. Do you think you're good looking? depends on the day, most of the time I am very hard on myself
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? sometimes
First job: Chick -fil- a
first screen name: grizzcub1
First funeral: Grandfather
First pet: Dillenger
First piercing: my ears
First Kiss: In 5th grade...Billy Foreman
First one that mattered: ????
First Lust: I don't know
First love: ????
First enemy: I don't really think I have ever had any enemys, maybe I am just naive
oh well that took up the whole 10 minutes...come on 5 o'clock