(no subject)

Oct 11, 2009 05:13

Jesus I was dead tired yesturday, ended up passing out at like 9:30 aha.

So two days ago I left to go to Tempe in order to take part in an open casting call for a reality show. The next day I got down there at 8:30, when it didn't really start until 10:00 and running on horribly little amounts of sleep as 1) my hotel room was much  too hot 2) my bed was much too uncomfortable. In fact it made me itch. 3) I may have been too excited to sleep. It's like Christmas in childhood where I couldn't even dare to sleep due to the ever exciting question "WHAT THE HELL IS IN THOSE BOXES!?", and whether they were good or bad gifts I was gonna be stick with them regardless.

When I finally got to go inside along with the bunches of other people, I received my application and began writing down all my information. When I looked up, most of the line was completely gone - out of thin air. Seeing the "VIP"s, walk up and then almost immediately defeatedly stumbled down the steps before it all began for the rest of us, makes me think that they were turning people down at the door. And it would make sense as there was so many people that didn't even look like they belong there. But luckily I got passed the first judgement with flying colors.

Next, after filling out the applications - we were to line up and then wait to be seated at a table with the eight people still remaining after their little sweep. It was a exciting and a little nerve racking as I never anticipated having to do a group interview. I think I was assuming everyone would have one on ones in the beginning, like they do in American Idol, Parental Control, or Top Model (as those shows show their audition process) before seeing how you interact with others. Looking back if I were more awake and alert when the girl behind me said to me, "I can't wait to hear what you have to say", whist clearly showing signs of wanting my dick, I would've asked more questions and even caught on to the fact they were gonna be group based.

Any who, the casting crew asked us a series of questions. I thought I did well, because everything I said stirred further discussion and actually made whomever I was directing it to think a little bit. But at the same time due to the nature of my group in particular, I kept getting cut off and was asked the worst questions that would reveal nothing at the surface. One was am I into astrology. What the hell do you say to that if your not? I could have added a lot more to that though in retrospect to reveal more of my personality, but oh well ya live and learn.

We were to get a call yesturday to set up a phone interview for today if we made the part.

But yeah, didn't receive a call back so I'm half assuming that I didn't get in. It's still possible that the person is just delaying calls for another day. I doubt I would want to call peoples homes to set up schedules right after interviewing people damn near all day myself. Plus I hear this company likes to make you sweat a little. So there's still a slight hope here, as I can see me doing much better in a more personal interview where ya don't have to compete over loud dick wads trying to prove themselves. Chaotic. But I enjoyed it despite me not being used to that sort of thing. I'd so do it again, just for the sake of doing it.

Side notes:

*Jonna is MUCH more hot in person. Took my breath away~
* The phoenix area has such wonderful malls. Actually everything seems much more wonderful than here. Cept perhaps all the confusing highways. But I don't drive yet so that's kind of irrelevant to me. Probably be a pain to walk in that city though.
* Family is pushing me more toward auditioning for model stuff. I feel much more inclined after this whole experience because it was awfully fun as a whole. I gained SO much energy from the people around me that it was almost like I didn't stay up all night and running on nothing but chips, canned chili, apples, and tiny sandwiches. Can't imagine how I would be if I were in prime condition haha. And actually found out about a few big modeling events while I was over there that I'm contemplating about.
*Orange county kids are such interesting whores. I'm so going there one day. Reinforces the fact that people are a little more...stiff here from what I've seen compared to everyone else on the damned planet. Or perhaps its just because not in on the club scene here or anything of the sort. But If I could meet people like those I talked to during auditions, I'd totally go to more clubs.
* Apparently I still can make an impressive resume despite the fact I haven't worked an honest job a day in my life. Up yours, "experience"!
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