
Sep 24, 2005 00:00

Haha, Link beat Cloud and Sephy, I'm so proud of Linky. :3

Can't think of anything else to type at the moment since its now 12 AM, and I can't stop staring at this icon. Kratos has an orgy face. XD

I'm slowly making my way toward getting that damn avatar on Neopets, this Lost Desert Plot is pissing me off, no way am I making a map of 255+ rooms and pathways. I'll do piece 7 tomorrow morning/afternoon. >:D

I've done 2 birthday pictures this week, I'm proud! And they both like em, even better. ^^ I think my MS Paint skills have improved, but there's more to be improved!

I made two ambigrams, one of "Daemon" and "Shanella" The Daemon one is legible. XD However the Shanella one could be better thought out I think, I'll see if I can get those up later. They're fun to do.

Let's see..I updated my Featured Deviants and Deviations for this month, which didn't take too long for once. I normally have to search through a bunch of stuff to find someone/something I want to feature. If you guys come across any deviant's gallery or a deviation that you think could use/need more recognition, lemme know through a note on dA. :) As of now I want to try to feature less anime artists, I've featured more than I should have by now. >__< Same applies to deviations.

Uhh... I still need to do that art trade...that's like a gagillion months old by now...and another picture for someone else.

By the way... this meme is still open. ^^; *shameless plug*

Ok, I'm such a fat liar, I did have stuff to say! XD G'night!

art, deviantart, birthday, neopets, videogames

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