Uhh..nothing much happening really. O__o I'm probably re-addicted to Neopets again. But I've been on the site for 2 years now. Whoo! XD Probably because of this fishing thingy they added and stuff. Its free to play that thing so harhar. I wanna paint my koi spotted but the price went up since Christmas. x__x So I've been playing the easy games to get moneys and stuff. I even sold my tyrannian petpet paint brush to get a bit more money. Well actually I traded it with this girl for a secret lab map piece which got me 55k I think. I'm yet stuck once again at this spot in ToS (Tales of Symphonia). I can get out of that damn maze at the Palmacosta (O__o Can't remember those names) Human Ranch but now I have to fight Magnius or something. And he kicked my ass. YAY! Looked on Gamefaqs again and seeing what's the prefered what of fighting him, but I haven't been motivated enough to play it again. Wow I guess I did have something to say.
*so prouds because she drew it straight onto Paint*