
Aug 21, 2006 12:42

Hmm, well I think I should pimp genbensymphonia again in my journal. Anyone who likes Tales of Symphonia and wants to rp, join this one. xD It involves the main cast interacting with their gender opposite. We're not too far into it and we could use people like Raine, Genis, Sheena and etc. We also need gender opposites of Genis, Raine and more. And if you know anyone else who likes ToS direct them this way! XD [/ad]

Well anyway, today is my last day of summer vacation. Tomorrow I go back to school as a Junior. It's strange, I don't feel that dreaded feeling I usually feel at the end of summer. I mean I didn't do anything spectacular this summer, I didn't go to Long Island for my grandparent's 50th anniversary (I really wanted to) and I didn't go to Great America. And my siblings never go around to that Disney Movie marathon. D: But I had a good time, just chilling at home. My mom got her amputation surgery done with, and she's recovering well. I got to go pocky_lover's birthday on 4th of July which was good. Plus I got to see RENT, which was realy fun. Lastly I drew a number of stuff, unlike the rest of my summers where I never do anything. x3

Maybe that's it, I felt like I accomplished something this summer. Of course there's still alot of things I need/want to draw, like stuff for my tos_100 challenge. (And they're comic panels, since I like doing those and people enjoy them) And I got a character sheet done this summer (I think it was done this summer, either that or before school ended O__o) but I still have more characters to do. But anyway, I don't feel terrible for wasting my summer like usual.

Later I'm supposed to go Marshalls, to get pants since my mom has been anxious to take me. Oo I wanna see if I can get black and white pants, as I'm a B&W freak and I don't have any pants like that. ^^;

Watch, tomorrow I'll wish it was summer again. XD

projects, art, friends, internet, school, rp, party, trips, family, birthday

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