Yes I know I'm making alot of journals, TOO BAD MWAHAH
Here's the three starter pokemon! ^^ Naetoru is the grass pokemon, Hikozaru is the fire pokemon and Potchama is the water pokemon. They have pretty cute designs, if I were to choose I'd either pick the grass or the fire one.
The GTS (Global Trade System), we can finally trade with anyone across the world *fangirl*
The Battle Tower, has a Wi-Fi Battle Room in which you will be challenged by 7 people from the internet.
Here is the Underground World of Shinou, where it will have a Capture the Flag game. Each person will have a flag in their secret base and obviously you have to be the first to get the opponent's flag to win. You can set traps too. >3 This sounds pretty fun to me. :D
I'm really looking forward to Diamond/Pearl, now if only I could go online with my DS. XDD But I haven't played a portable pokemon game since Gold/Silver/Crystal. God I love that game.
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Pokemon Elite 2000