Feb 23, 2009 20:23
Why is it that everytime I think I have finally recovered from whatever happened last week something comes forward to drive me straight back into that sense of turmoil?
I've been in Paradisa for two years. I've been through most of the ups and downs and wankfests involving mis-communications and people not liking others and never coming forward with it until the last possible moment. Not personally involved with a lot of them, but it gave a good idea as to what I should and should not do/say and honestly? I think we've improved since then. It's not exactly the Paradisa that I joined, but I love playing there all the same.
I was a player in The Dressing Zone, and I still stalk it. That... I don't even know what to say about that. I miss it, but it looks like it's coming back. And I look forward to playing there again. &hearts
Zelda Dressing... I don't know. This was probably the first time I was somewhat involved with the shit that went down. I... really didn't feel any anguish about it until the events after everything and the secrets. I'm fine now, I am. It's just... Ah- Like I said, everytime I think I'm over it, something pops up.
Such as my mother mistaking 'dissolve' with 'resolve'. Can has correct word usage? (we were talking about what to do about problems, and she accidentally said that we "should dissolve our problems" which... struck a nerve)
... ahahaha And Hypnagogy just had a chat talk about how if there was someone/something in the RP that makes you uncomfortable, say something to the mods. I... Cried on the inside, laughed on the outside.
And before any of you feel like asking me again; I AM FINE! Honestly. &hearts Don't make me have to take that back and start ranting at people before wallowing in my corner of dread with the obligatory Linkin Park. Hahaha &hearts
legend of zelda,
sonic the hedgehog,