May 22, 2012 19:37

Ten days in ShangHai and I just made it to Hong Kong about five hours ago. I have come to the conclusion that Mainland China hates me. :\ Caught a fever on what? the 7th day or something? THE NIGHT WE SPENT IN A HAUNTED HOTEL I WAS DELIRIOUS WITH FEVER. So really, it could have been a ghost who was changing the towel I had on my forehead and it would not have made a lick of difference to me.

Mom, on the other hand, kicked the ghost sitting at the foot of her bed by accident. Another couple had the hot water tap in their sink turn on in the middle of the night (and for reference; most of the taps were pretty much jammed. One of the most unappealing showers I've had for a while)

Our first destination after arriving in Shang Hai was TaiHu. One of the largest lakes but it's about a meter deep. You know you're a video game nerd when you see a lake that big and the first thought in your head is "It wasn't a lake, it's an ocean" (yaaaay Alan Wake). There's this Giant Buddha statue on top of the mountain in the best fengshui location in China and a bunch of other things but I couldn't make heads or tails of what our guide was saying half the time. /sob

Then it was SuZhou... I think? YOU CAN TELL V. V. LITTLE HAPPENED THAT I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER IT. lol brb feeling a little guilty. >>;;

NANJING, WHICH I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT?! LOLASDLGKJASLDKJFS everyone was worried that this hotel would be haunted because hahahahaha history lesson. I was so uncomfortable the whole time but certainly not out of fear for the Other Side. For a group of people that seem to harbour a very high level of dislike for the Japanese (for understandable reasons!!) it's kinda hilarious how a lot of their children cartoons seem to be copying Japanese Animanga and other designs (Ariel from Dr.Slump was used in a commercial, though they used an actual kid with black hair and changed the letters on her hat to read 'SoHappy' instead of 'SLUMP'). I don't remember what happened here. D| Turns out this hotel was pretty clean. A night spent well. =v=

Huang Shan aka that-place-you-always-see-traditional-Chinese-paintings-of was our main destination of this trip. It was legit gorgeous, though it's really easy to see how some people would be unimpressed (a mountain's a mountain's a mountain. the Alps and Rockies look just as lovely but the feel of all of them are quite different. 8Ta). It was raining though, so while we ended up getting randomly rained on, we got to see the 'Cloud Ocean' scene that Huang Shan is well known for.

Then I caught a goddamn fever. >T

HanZhou; the place well known for it's tea, the West Lake and pretty ladies. We ended up watching a show, taking a boat ride and walking through the park (though, dear god, we probably went at the wrong time because it looked like Queen Elizabeth Park in Vancouver. Awkward Kuu was Awkward). The landscape was really quite gorgeous though, like any tourist attraction should be. But, again... Fever. fml (PS: this was the city where our hotel was haunted. Phantom footsteps, physical presences, moving chairs, water turning on, the whole cake. I wish I had a camera. Kuu, making Fatal Frame references at a time like this what?)

Went back to ShangHai, watched another show (ACROBATICS I LOVE CHINESE ACROBATICS LOOK MA, NO CABLES) but apparently, half of our tour fell asleep. I am now officially certain that I am the only person on any of these tours that can stay awake for these shows. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFml.

Speaking of ShangHai and ghosts, there were a lot of derelict buildings in ShangHai. A lot of them were half demolished and still being used. It's kinda scary seeing what difference having money can do. D|

Fever's mostly gone now (sob why must I always fall sick when we cross the Chinese Border?!) but I've got a cough and this light, but persistent, fever. 8T

nnngh /falls over


PS: Chinese cartoons are badly drawn and largely poorly animated. MAGIC RUBIX CUBES, MY FRIENDS, IT'S FREAKING SQUARE!! .... But I guess their CG-fu is all right. Gotta give credit where credit is due.

holiday, vacation, horror, sick, family

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