(no subject)

Jan 04, 2012 21:19


And I think I ruined the game for myself because like... Half(?!) of the spoilers are the premises for my AUs. Both of them. DO YOU KNOW HOW DISHEARTENING IT IS TO WATCH THIS MASSIVE EMOTIONAL SCENE AND HAVE THE ONLY THOUGHT GO THROUGH YOUR HEAD AT THAT POINT BE "HOLY SHIT I KNEW IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT"?!? Also something along the lines of "MY AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUS FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU-"

It's pretty disheartening. 8'C

Then the satisfaction kicks in because I was right, this game did ruin my AUs and my AUs did ruin this game so now I don't know how to feel. I still like Twilight Princess more even if Skyward Sword had a more epic feel to it. This is an opinion that may get me lynched by the Zelda fandumb community (note the phrasing ladies and gents) but w/e bro. I spoiled the game for myself with headcanon. Screw the fandumb, I've got 1337 perception! oAo9

Kinda sad for where Fi ended up but AT LEAST NINTENDO STOPPED THAT POTENTIAL PLOTHOLE ON THEIR OWN! But can you imagine what would have happened otherwise? .... Actually, it's probably already happening. SUCH IS THE REALM OF awful FANFICTION!

But yea, now I can finally get around to playing Sonic Colours like I mean to right when school starts sob. Thank god I didn't get Layton after all. 8) even though I already beat it in Japanese hurr


god kuu calm the fuck down, legend of zelda, fail, sonic the hedgehog, professor layton, video games

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