(no subject)

Jan 06, 2011 13:51

So I took Physical Geology along with two Psych courses (Research Methods and another Psych course) this semester. Skimmed through the table of contents and introduction chapter in my Geology...

I am pleasantly surprised to find that my interest in Earth Science during my youth was not wasted! I can recognize most of these minerals and terms without much trouble. ♥ I guess this one will be my 'sandbag' course like Music was last semester. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with my workload this semester too. @^@

Research Methods is a course I need to retake in order to get into my Psych Major and take any upper level Psych courses (failed it last time because I stupidly took Philosophy along side it and lost all will to work). Borrowing the text from a friend so I will have that on hand AND save myself some money!

Speaking of saving money; I bumped into someone who wanted the Cognitive Psych text and... maybe I should have asked them for $70 dollars instead of $60 considering the bookstore was selling used for $101. It still would have been $31 cheaper and I would have earned at least $40+ than if I had done the buyback thing. She seemed happy to have a deal too. Oh well, money is money. 8|;; This is the first time I've done something like though lol. Oh well, I'll have to text her sometime to choose a meeting location and confirm the price (maybe barter a bit to see if and extra $5 is all right lol)


I'll probably have to go back to buy another book later (boo) but maybe I can see if someone else would like to buy some more textbooks from me... God knows that none of the bookstores around here take textbooks. B|

Too bad I left my school fee at home today. Oh well, no tutorial on Monday; I can pay my tuition then... /swt



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