Never going out to the mall/downtown/ANYWHERE on Boxing Day again. I don't care if mother gives me that disapproving stare because I'm secluding myself at home because it's not worth it. 8|; Not at all.
/slowly becomes a hikikkomori
... lol Not really. Even I get bored at home. 8(;
The one good thing is that the Chapters there was pretty well stocked in Video Game Magazines (not that I read any other than Nintendo Power because the other magazines bug me). So! Browsing through the NP of the month one thing manages to catch my eye more than the awesome quiltwork at the end of the magazine:
Dodongos Dislike: When people call Sonic the Blue Bomber
Dodongos Dislike: When people call Sonic the Blue Bomber
Dodongos Dislike: When people call Sonic the Blue Bomber
I just- Does this actually happen? Seriously? As in, not just a slip of tongue (because I do that a lot hurr) but because they really think that's... What you call Sonic? I mean, I know they're both blue but really?!
My face. Forever. /faceinhands
Sometimes, I worry about our next generation. 8(;;;