where I admit to being a dork 8')a

Jun 24, 2010 23:33

omg you guyssss This is the first time I've almost beaten a game in the span of a week since like... Okay, so maybe it's not the first game I've beaten in almost a week for a while but yea! I blame Sonic. I have to plow through the first playthrough like a boss before I can put it down. I probably would have beaten it by now if I didn't keep getting distracted by the shiny Bejeweled type game in the arcade but blah.


The only thing I have to do is get used to Serpent's attack pattern in his second form and I'll be cool! My last run had me going through the entire boss rush using only two subtanks every two floors, which means one subtank every two bosses (this makes Kuu stupid proud, just so you know |D) I got level 4 victory on Hivolt, Hurricaune, Luerre, Lechanchor and Protectos so I feel like a pimp 8| stupid Fistleo and Flammole ffffffff Hate their attacks, haaaaaaaaaate DX

but yea, the one thing killing me all the time in Serpent boss fight phase two is like... the dust he throws at you that slows you down. MY BELOVED MODEL H CANNOT JUMP LIKE THIS, NOOOOOO ;A; And that like... makes dodging attacks shitty. |D Apparently, Model P can remove it super quick but I've never gotten it to work? ahahaha oh wait, I had a strategy I forgot to try out. Derp

Also finished Haruki's app to hometrail. Which means that, if I get accepted there, I can free up a character slow for holyrelic so... hmmm 8|a /slowly... phases out her animanga characters for video game characters again durrrr

I'm also an idiot and put too many soundtracks on my iPod (more like NOT ENOUGH I need to get more Zelda, ToS and CG music on here, jesus). Putting it on shuffle periodically makes it churn out some beautifully depressing song orders

brb bawwing forever ;_____; for those wondering: Ciel d'aube (Megaman Zero 4), End Credits 2 (Twilight Princess), Memories of Travel (Dawn of the New World), Dear My Friend (Sonic Unleashed), Continued Story (Code Geass) all in a row while I was walking home after getting lunch

The lyrics in the last two make the list. They make the list and I almost cried like a loser. QwQ


sonic the hedgehog, roleplay, legend of zelda, megaman/rockman, music, tales of symphonia, video games, code geass

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