I never thought that old wounds would be stirred up again, but I guess that I was wrong..
http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/tv-anime/kurama-from-yyh-possibly-a-homosexual/t.12025586/ The old wounds I speak of, that this post just heavily reminded me of, is the whole: "OH! IF YOUR BEST FRIENDS, THEREFORE EXTREMELY CLOSE, ARE THE SAME GENDER, AND SPEND A LOT OF TIME WITH EACH OTHER, THAN YOU HAVE TO BE GAY!"
An example of the kind of remarks I, and my best friend, had to put up with throughout middle school and through high school. It's a bit of the mentality that I have found quite a few KuramaxHiei fangirls seem to have.
I don't think that just because you're best friends with someone of the same gender means that you're gay.
(Yes, the forum post is about Kurama being gay, though there are references to the Hiei and Kurama pairing. No, I'm not just frustrated because it's a bit of character bashing on Kurama. I'm frustrated because it stirred up some old memories.. that I would have liked to leave in the dust.)