May 04, 2008 03:18
Episode 12 came out earlier today. It's quite good if I say so myself. After talking with Jarrod (and then listening to him for hours while editing) I can't wait to meet him at Wrockstock. There are three exams standing between me and the summer. There are 19 days between now and Wrockstock. There are roughly 330 miles between home and Wrockstock.
Alright, so since I can't stop thinking about Wrockstock, nor can I get him off my mind (thanks Monica... :-P haha). So because someone posted this on Facebook and I'm bored, and feeling girly or some crazy shit like that...
57 Girl Confessions
1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
Yeah *blushes*
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
Define short. Eh, sometimes it's fun to be flirty and wear short skirts/dresses. I don't do it often though... Only at conventions!
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?
Depends on how I felt about the person it was from.
4. Group dates or single dates?
Group dates are okay when you're first start out dating someone, single dates are for when you're more serious... But a healthy combination of both is good.
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?
No, I understand because girls do it too. However I would want my guy to feel like he could act like himself around me.
6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?
No, but they're fun and sparkly
7. Is your hair up or down today?
8. Do you straighten your hair?
Sometimes. It's straight right now.
9. Favorite mascara?
My green mascara.
10. Do you get your nails done?
11. Small or large purses?
Large. If you can't fit at least a notebook, a book and your wallet in it then it's not worth it!
12. In your purse, what are your must haves?
My composition notebook that comes everywhere with me, my iPod, wallet, cow card/room key, pens and at least three sharpies.
13. Jeans or sweats?
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable?
15. Do you text message a lot?
Yes, that's pretty much all I do. It's way cheaper than calling
16. What would you do if you got pregnant?
Depends on my current financial situation and whatnot.
17. What’s your favorite color?
When I was little it was purple, then in middle school it was green, high school red, and now I'm back to green.
18. Heels or flats?
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
Every. Freaking. Time.
20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
I do it on a daily basis.
21. Walmart or Target?
22. Do you wear collared shirts?
At work
23. Do you like preppy boys?
I've never had a crush on one if that's what you're asking. I don't like to judge based on appearances. But I do usually end up with nerds :)
24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!?
25. Do you own any big sunglasses?
HA! No
26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Depends, some mornings I role out of bed, throw on clean underwear and clothes and head off to class/Java Hut in 5-10 minutes. It takes longer if I shower...
27. Do you like to wear band-aids?
Tee hee...only the fun kiddy ones :)
28. Do you like skater boys?
What? lol.
29. Do you often wish there was something you could change?
Change about what? Myself, no. The world, yes.
30. Gold or silver?
Silver or White Gold :)
31. Do you like to receive flowers?
Awwww.... yeah *blushes*
32. Do you like surfer boys?
33. Do you dress up for the holidays?
I get to dress as an elf at work around Christmas :)
34. Do you like to wear dresses?
Not really... But it's fun to wear flirty dresses and whatnots at conventions haha
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?
It depends on the guy and if I like him. Generally my guy friends don't confuse me, but once my own emotions get involved watch out!
36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?
Tom stopped by briefly... and some of Lily's male riends came by
37. Would you date a guy shorter than you?
I haven't yet, but yes.
38. Do you like to hold hands?
39. What is the youngest you would date?
Age is just a number... no minors though.
40. What is the oldest you would date?
Again, age is just a number. My parents are 11 years apart so age doesn't bother me.
41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
Confidence levels, whether or not he can look you in the eye, and his voice. I feel it would be impulse to answer "personality" but sometimes it takes a little bit of time talking to a guy before you can figure that one out.
42. Is it hot when guys sweat?
If they're sweating and just standing there no. But everyone I don't expect a guy to be dry after, say, a wrock concert.
43. What is the best feature in a guy?
Personality and voice
44. Do you like making eye contact?
Yes and no. I have a really hard time looking people in the eyes. So I've been trying to get myself over that....I still have a hard time locking eyes with a crush...
46. Would you kill for chocolate?
No. Unless I'm PMSing
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
Not that I know of. Prom and shit like that doesn't count.
48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?
It's okay... I like shopping with my mum... Also, window shopping with Rory is fun.
49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?
50. Do you yell a lot?
No, I'm generally pretty quiet
51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?
Sometimes to my 8 am classes
52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?
53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?
I've written poetry, and I've written love poems. I don't think they are overly mushy.
54. What makeup could you not live w/ out?
I live just fine without it.
55. Do you fall in love easily?
I've never been in love so it's hard to answer this one, but I'll try. It doesn't take me too long to love my friends, and the bond I feel with fellow Wizard Rockers is incredible, I love them like my own family ('cause in a way, they are family). As for love, love... I have to work up to it. I've been hurt really bad in the past.
56. Do you have cramps?
Not right now... but I do get them.
57. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever?
How immature is this question? "Bestest" isn't even a word... I mean OMG! LIKE I TOTALLY LOVE MY BFF. SHE'S SO, IDK MY BFF JILL?
For realz...
Voldemort Made Me Crap My Pants, folks. That's all I can say...
Live, Laugh, Love,
podcast of awesome